Sunday, October 28, 2012


"Pathetic"...the definition of the word is "arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness." I have been thinking a lot about this word lately. A very special little birdie in my life told me that Ben, my ex boyfriend, said that I was pathetic for writing this blog. I can think of many words to describe this blog, but pathetic is not one of them. I can also think of many things I have done or am doing in my life that is pathetic...but yet again, this blog is not one of them. When I first started to write this, I just needed an outlet to cope with everything, an online journal. Then, it turned into a mission. I wanted to let my readers know that they weren't alone in their hunt for the perfect mate, and to never give up!! I wanted people to know that it is a twisted road, and you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince (or princess). Finally, I decided that I wanted the happy ending before I stopped. My gut tells that the prince I find will read every blog from start to finish, and not only be proud of me, he will love me even more. Yes, he will not flinch at the fact that I wrote about him for the world to see!!! He will be honored to be included in the one place where I bear all my thoughts and emotions. Back to Ben and being pathetic....I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I know myself, and I would have continued to work to make our relationship succeed. Thank you for walking away! I see now that you gave me the gift of freedom to do whatever I wanted, which includes this blog! I hope one day you can think of me and realize that all I was ever trying to do was help you. I admit that I focused too much on you and us, and not enough on me! This blog represents the new and improved Kiki, and if you think growing and learning from your mistakes is pathetic, maybe you need to shop for a new dictionary:) Thanks little birdie!! xoxo Kiki