Friday, February 22, 2013

He Actually Showed Up

Since this man has known me for a year, he knows I am a dancer and that I have my own dance company. After we exchanged numbers and were doing a little texting, I reminded him of my next show. A show that he had already told me that he was coming to (however, I know that in this town a verbal confirmation means nothing). He asked for the timing again, but no other information...instead, he replied with "I'm there." I walk onto the stage in our first set, and he was nowhere in the audience:( At this point, I wasn't that bummed out because frankly, I'm use to men that never follow through. Between our sets, we were figuring out costuming for our last set when I got a text from him asking if he was at the right place. I peaked my head out of the dressing room, and to my surprise, he was sitting at the bar with two other guys!!! Yes, there was a flutter!!! I hurried and put a cover up on to go say hi. As I was walking to him, I was stopped to be introduced to another audience member. I watched him try and play cool. He quickly turned around once I didn't come right to him and pretended he never saw me. That is a move I use to do when I was in high school:) When I finally made it to him, he greeted me with the biggest smile I have ever seen. He knows exactly how to put his hand on the small of my back that drives me wild!! I can't even explain how nervous I was to go on stage for our last set! However, I feel like I danced better than ever! I wasn't holding anything back! After our set, I introduced him to the rest of the company, and he wasn't socially awkward. AMAZING!!! He also invited me to the next venue they were going to. Now, Miss Kiki had to teach REALLY early the next morning, but I wasn't going to pass that up! I got a few friends to accompany me, and I went for it!! To make a long story short, I made him come to me, and we played this flirting game across the room all night long. He was bringing friends up to me to introduce them. All signs were positive, but me being me, I wasn't sure by the time I got home. My brain was telling me that he could have just been being nice. Theres also the fact that every woman practically throws themselves on him. It wasn't until the next night when he asked if I was free to get dinner that I started to believe that he might be interested:) xoxo Kiki

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Don't Think I Want to Give Him a Name

I’ve been staring at my computer screen for at least ten minutes trying to figure out how I want to start this. I don’t want to jinx the past three weeks, but then I know if it's meant to be, it will be. Plus, I want this man to stand out in the way I write about him because I know I’m in unfamiliar territory with him. Well…here goes…. I have decided not to give him a name. I’m not sure if this is to set him apart from all the others or because no name besides his real name suits him. I have known him for about a year now. However, I have to admit that when I first met him I never thought of him in this light. There are two reasons for this. First, I was so deep into Bruce and making it work, no male was making an impression. Second, I thought he was out of my league, and there was no way he would be interested in someone like me. I remember an instance where a friend made a comment about how attractive he was, and I stopped and looked at him. I remember thinking “he is gorgeous, but every girl that sees him thinks the same thing.” During the first eight months I knew him, we talked, but nothing that stood out at the moment. For the next few months, he went away on business. I remember saying goodbye and telling him to have an amazing trip. Again, nothing out of the ordinary in my mind. The new year rolled around, and I was in a different frame of mind. I felt like I had my life back!! The first time I saw him when he got back in town, I genuinely was excited, and I gave him the biggest hug! It was completely natural, and I never thought twice about my actions. During this night, he asked me why he didn’t have my number, and I quickly responded with “because you never asked for it.” It was that moment when my gut told me that this man was going to be apart of my life in some way. I know nothing about his profession, but I do know that I love the way he beams from head to toe when he is doing it! Watching him can give me the definition of pure joy. Finally, a man with passion!! Stay tuned….there is more to come! Kiki PS We did exchange numbers!!