Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Famous No Spark Encounter

After Adam, I had one of my wisdom teeth surgically removed, so I was out of commission for awhile. The worst part of this was that my nerve must have been nicked in the process, so I can't feel my lower left lip:( Talking is a challenge, and I'm always concerned that there is food on my face since I can't feel it...haha! Even with my handicap, I decided to meet yet another gentleman named Cooper. His pictures met my ideal vision of my dream guy. He was the right age, lived close, didn't have kids, didn't smoke; all and all on screen looked like a perfect package. When I first laid eyes on him, I felt nothing. (Maybe a better way to describe it is neutral.) No spark, but I wasn't thinking "oh crap" in my head either. During dinner, I few things stood out. First, he was a stand in on a popular TV show. (I'm going to apologize before you read the next part!) I mean he wasn't even an actor, he stood in for the actors! What do you do with this "skill?" Do you feel any sense of accomplishment from this job? In his defense, Cooper did say he was a writer as well. Second, he very well might be picker than me when it comes to food. He is healthier, but the way he ordered made me roll my eyes. Since I became I waitress, I can not stand these type of people! They have a mile long list of amendments to the item they ordered. Finally, he doesn't eat cheese or red meat. I could never take him home!!! Wisconsin is known for BOTH! My family would hate him just because of this;)

I love it when you say goodbye and you know that there is nothing there, but you both agree to talking soon. "Soon" as in another life time?!? We are funny creatures!

Another first date for the books...


Kiki Times

At this point, the biggest problem with Adam is that he lives about 2 hours away. Geographically, he is undesirable:( The very next week, Adam was coming back to LA because he had a friend in town, so he asked to see me again. I liked the way he thought about me and made time to incorporate me into his life! It turned out that his friend canceled, but he still drove two hours and bought comedy show tickets. I had a good time, but I couldn't figure out why I wasn't attracted to him. It was either I wasn't use to a man treating me so nice, or the fact that he wasn't masculine enough for me. Adam made me think about this, and I think I figured it out. I grew up around farm boys. They were ALL boy and turned into MEN. My daddy is an excellent example of this, and they say that every girl is secretly looking for someone that reminds them of their father. Adam was no where near this image, but he did treat me the way I wanted to be treated! I was talking my situation out with my best friend, and I stated that I didn't think I liked Adam enough to drive 2 hours to see him. Her response was that I had just answered my own question. This is what friends are for!!!

I wish Adam all the luck in the world, and I know he will find someone. He just isn't the right fit for me.


Back By Popular Demand

I know it has been awhile, and many of my readers have been asking for new postings. I did need a break from the blog, but I truly believe that I was meant to tell my story! Just because I haven't written in about a month doesn't mean I have stopped dating;) I'm currently three men behind...one of them getting to a second date, which is a rare occurrence! Lets catch you all up on my crazy life....

OK...about a month ago, I decided it would be a great idea to have three days in one week. I hadn't done it before, and they asked! Monday was Brian; Wednesday was Steve; Friday was Adam. Monday rolls around, and I put on my normal first date dress (yes I have a first date dress. Its casual yet nice; sexy but not slutty). I drove to the coffee shop we were meeting at with a good feeling! When I laid eyes on Brian, the first think I thought was I have to spend the next hour with this man!!!!!! He looked like one of those creepy writer dudes. LA is littered with them...sorry to stereotype! I never realized how much I appreciate tables at coffee shops until now. There wasn't any tables left, so we sat on a bench side by side. It was so awkward. I even felt uncomfortable, which is rare for me on first dates. After an hour of making conversation, I sort of felt sad. Brian was a complete gentleman, and all he wants is to find someone to share his life with. He is just socially awkward, and he gives off a scared vibe. I have to hand it to him; he did have enough guts to ask me on a second date. I quickly but politely made myself VERY busy;)

After this, I had to rethink my dating marathon I had planned. I ended up canceling my date with Steve, and all he replied with was "OK." I mean don't over exert your fingers on my account. I was going to cancel with Adam too, but he was actually putting in effort. He researched where to take me to lunch, and he was driving two hours on a Friday (In LA, driving anywhere on a Friday deserves a round of applause!). I met Adam at a very nice burger joint, which is just my kind of place. He was a great guy! I enjoyed talking to him, and I never once thought about where else I could be. He did talk about other girls he met off online dating, which I didn't feel like I needed to know about. I mean I know we all see other people...look at me! However, he was talking about how on their third date they were making out, and then she vanished. Of course he had to end the story with "and its not because I'm a bad kisser." Besides this one bad story, Adam did have a lot of good qualities. At the end, I knew that I would see him again if he asked. A second date with me deserves a front page headline spot in the Kiki Times.

Don't worry; there is more!
