Monday, July 11, 2011

Weegie Board Dilemma

I have to go back to sophomore year in high school for everyone to get the full affect of this situation. My good friend Lee and I decided to play the Weegie Board in his basement…two days before we got confirmed I might add. Well, at the time, I just thought that Lee was moving the cursor, but some answers stuck with me. We asked the spirit who Lee was going to marry, and the response was Sarah from Iowa. Guess who Lee married???? Sarah from Iowa!!! At the time, we didn’t know a Sarah from Iowa. They are divorced now, but he still married her! When we asked the spirit who I was going to marry, he replied with Sam from LA. I had never even thought about moving to LA at that point in my life, and I didn’t know a Sam. As years passed, the joke became that I had to go to LA to find my Sam. During the years I was with Ben, I had pushed the idea of Sam to the back of my mind. However, I have never forgotten about what the higher powers told me about my dream guy. Since I have started this online dating, I have had a false alarm when it comes to my weegy board man. One guy told me his middle name was Sam, and then of course, my heart skipped a beat, and I started looking at him in a different light. This light made him do no wrong even though he had no idea how to treat a lady. Ever since then I have been trying to forget about names in general.

This leads me to the next guy. I found his profile online. He stood out for several reasons. He looked like a man from my past, which means I was very attracted to him. Plus, he sounded like he was very career focused like myself, and he talked about his family! We talked through emails for a couple months, and I was right…we had A LOT in common! The problem was I couldn’t get him to tell me his name. He wouldn’t sign his emails, and he wouldn’t answer when I asked. After about 2 months of exchanging emails, the mystery man finally signed his name….Sam! Of course his name was SAM! I tried to not let it go to my head, but it was hard. Then we gave each other our phone numbers, and he called me! He didn’t text; he called! Sam also followed through on everything he said he would do. These types of guys are hard to come by these days.

Since both Sam and I had crazy schedules, it took awhile to actually meet each other. We finally made time to meet for coffee. I have had enough first dates to know a bad one when I have one. This one was not bad!! It was very enjoyable! I can’t say there was sparks like with Shane, but I liked what I saw and conversation was great! It felt like the feeling was mutual. I guess I can’t read men at all…haha! I text a few days later, and Sam replied. After that, no more replies☹ I guess I didn’t light his fire, and this proves that a name is only a name. I’m finding it hard to find the right balance in a man. My close friends now that I make myself busy because that is how I function best. I know this also gives me less time to think about what my life lacks. I want this drive in my future companion, which Sam had. However, he lacked in the “making time” category. I know that if I want to see someone I will make it happen!! There is always time in the week to fit people you love into your life! Sam was so wrapped up in his day-to-day life and goals that he needs that spark for him to take a time out from the reality of his life. We just didn’t make each other want to stop and smell the roses.

I guess God wanted to prove the Sam Dilemma wrong, so I wouldn’t over look the right guy just because his name wasn’t Sam! Let me tell you…it would have made an excellent story though!!

On to the next one, and who knows maybe it could be “THE ONE.”


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