Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Best Valentine's Day Ever!

I can honestly say that I really have never thought much about Valentine's Day....good or bad. I remember that both years with Ben ended up with me giving a gift, and Ben forgetting:( He always said he would make up for it, but nothing ever came of that either. Yeah, I had a boyfriend, but the first Valentine's Day I spent after Ben, was WAY better than both with him!! A bunch of us girls went to "He's Just Not That Into You" in the theater with Cheesecake. No one let me down!!!

With Bruce, I didn't want any material thing. I just knew I wanted to be by him. I just can't get enough of him!!! We started the day with me watching him play basketball (which he is amazing at). Then, I had to work, but we decided to cook and watch a movie. He showed up at my door with a single red rose with a note attached to it:) The moment I say the note a wall went up. I tried to not show how it affected me because I was trying to figure it out in my head first. My brain was going a mile a minute trying to realize why I was reacting like this. Then, it hit me! Ben broke up with me two times via letter. He use to write all the things he hated about me, and what he wanted me to work on...blah blah blah. Once I took a moment to remember that Bruce is NO WHERE near the person Ben was, I opened the note. It was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to give you all the juicy details, but I will tell you that I will keep this "love letter" FOREVER!!!

We cooked salmon, and had a wonderful meal! Then, we finished the night watching Cars 2; a man after my own heart! Finally, I fell asleep in his arms, which is the best place in the world. That was a little cheesy, but oh so true!

Stay tunes!

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