Saturday, May 24, 2014

So Much To Say

As I'm sitting at a coffee shop on a Saturday night by myself, there are so many things that I feel I must write done. I was doing some wedding planning work when two women sat at the table beside me. I wasn't trying to listen to their conversation, but it was hard not to hear. The one woman was stating how she is just down right mean to her boyfriend. She stated that "she is just a bitch" towards him. She proceeded to say that she felt like she was taken out all of her mistakes in their relationship on him. The other woman then told that she felt under appreciated in her relationship. This past week I have really been thinking about all the work a relationship takes, and how its even more work after you get married. People change, and if you as a couple don't change at the same rate, people can drift apart. Plus every relationship is different. My one friend has this relationship that they say they love each other like 50 times a day. It works for them, but I think I might punch a guy if he did that to me. Its just too much for me. Another friend is in a new relationship, and her new guy is the type that can't be single. The things he says to her makes me feel like she could do so much better. What it really comes down to is that different types of people are made happy in different ways. The problem is that people get so caught up in the relationship that they forget to ask themselves if they are truly happy!!!! So I ask myself this question… Does No Name Man truly make me HAPPY? When I am physically with him, 100% I can say yes. He calms me. He makes me laugh and smile. He makes me feel wanted. He makes me feel like we are in a partnership. The problem is in the last 3 months I have physically seen him for like 12 hours. In his defense, he has been away on business and our schedules just haven't been lining up. However, I feel like I am not a priority. Work will always come first, and I do the same. However, when I want to see someone, I make it happen!!! Take tonight for instance, I know he is probably working. BUT I do not like the fact that I'm alone, and I have no idea what he is doing. It doesn't make me happy knowing that he leaves again in 3 days, and I don't even know if I will see him before he leaves. A woman's worth…my worth…a partnership means it two sided right? The only thing I know for sure is that its time to step back and ask myself some hard questions. Happy Saturday!! xoxo Kiki

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