Friday, September 5, 2014

Brutally Honest

I was asked to be brutally honest in this post. Its scary but refreshing at the same time. Its scary because No Name Man does know about this amazing blog. Yet, its refreshing because I haven't wrote exactly how I've been feeling in awhile. I know every person in my life has their own opinion about my man. But guess what...I have my own opinion on their lives too. In the big picture, every individual is different and different things make them happy. I try my hardest not to judge others decisions. What I do is compare it to my life, and what I want for myself. One of the biggest complaints about No Name Man from people who care about me is that he is absent a lot. I agree! However, I asked for a guy that had passion for SOMETHING...anything!! Well, I got it! He has more drive than any person I know!! He knows what he wants, and he is never going to stop until he achieves it! This is what attracted me to him in the first place. How can I get mad at this amazing quality that he has?!?!? We both are ambitious people, which is a challenge but we both have agreed to this challenge. I'm not saying that when I'm the third wheel again that I don't want him beside me. I DO!! I'm saying that I understand his life style and I respect his work ethic. No Name Man is always straight with me when it comes to his career, and I know that he would respect anything that ever came up with my career! I have a few friends that are in relationships that would make me feel suffocated. They are always together if they are not at work. Maybe its because I never want to lose myself in a man the way I did with Ben, but I would go crazy in that type of relationship! I have another friend that is slowly changing her guy into the man she wants. I want to love the person I'm with for the person he has become on his own!! I've realized that the areas that I have problems with are because of my past experiences. The same is probably true for my man. Yes, it took over a year to officially be his girlfriend, but I know there are reasons for that. Maybe it was from his past or maybe it was just him thinking about his future. Either way, I look at it as a very important title. I'm at the age where I wouldn't call just anyone my boyfriend because that person is auditioning for a bigger title. I'm not saying he will make that cut. I'm just saying I don't take it lightly anymore. The only thing I can be sure of is the way I feel about him. Every time his name pops up on my phone, my heart skips a beat. There are days that I freak out because I realize that I depend on him being there for me. I hate admitting that I need anyone let alone a man. The great thing about it is I don't need him to DO anything. I just need him to look at me or hug me or lay beside me. I love his heart beat! To sum things up: The one part about our relationship that is the hardest is the part that got me into it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere but in this relationship with HIM! xoxo Kiki

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