Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Heart

In the past month, I have thought a couple times about how my life would be without No Name Man. It always begins with me stating that I would be FINE!! I'm independent, strong, determined, and I don't need a man to completely me. Then, I think about how I feel every time I lay eyes on him. Its almost been two years, and my heart still skips a beat. I remember how he makes me forget about all my troubles and just be in the moment. How he can make me laugh at a drop of a dime. How I know he would be lost without me too. After contemplating many factors, I realize every time that he has my heart. I'm not going to freaks me out! This is probably why I asked myself this question in the first place. I'm trying to find a reason to run. No more running!!! I surrender my heart because I can't imagine my life without him. Yes, our relationship is not perfect. He is gone a lot, and he works soooo hard. However, this is why I love him! My neighbor just moved out of a two bedroom apartment, and my manager is in the process of cleaning it for the new tenant. I checked out the unit today just because I was curious on how it was laid out. As I'm walking thru it, it was the first time I actually thought about living with No Name Man. Don't get me wrong, we are not ready for that and I have learned my lesson about living with just anyone! However, I walked out of the apartment very happy. I see the future with him in it. Hell it could be in 5 years, but I feel like one day it could happen! Its silly I know, but my gut said so....and I've learned to listen to my gut! Thats all for now:) xoxo Kiki

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