Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Raining Men!

Within the first 48 hours of my profile being published, I had over 50 emails and about the same amount of winks! Let me tell you...its like another job in itself!! I couldn't keep up! (Sorry to all those men I didn't reply to because I was sooo overwhelmed...hey, I'll get back to you all one of these days.) Whenever someone new joins, they label their profile with an all caps locked "NEW." The way I look at it is that everyone sees that as "FRESH MEAT." Then, they pounce...haha!

Within these first 2 days, I realized that there are 3 types of emails. The first being "the one liner." Most one liners include some form of how attractive you are to them, as well as an invitation to meet or call. I guess they have no time to spare!! These are the men that just want to get in your pants...there I said it! These are also the men that I discard asap :) The second type of email I call the "foreign english." Every word they write is from the English language. However, I have NO idea what they are trying to say, which is where the foreign comes into play!! For example, one gentlemen wrote half a paragraph about electronics, which consisted of zero complete sentences. Then, the second half of his email went into describing himself with perfect grammar. Basically, the second half was cut and pasted...haha! Finally, the last type I call "the well rounded." These emails aren't too long, but they aren't too short either! These men tell about themselves, but they also ask about me. They ask enough questions to make it easy for a girl to reply, but not so many that the girl feels overwhelmed in answering all of them. Basically, these men know how to converse in general!

By the end of these first two days, two gentlemen stood out to me. Both wrote very nice, intellectual emails. I've been learning to trust my gut instincts (because they are always right). My gut told me that these two guys are looking for what I am looking for...a relationship. The first few emails that were exchanged were just common questions...getting to know each other. Then, the next few got into why we were on the site and what we wanted from it. Perfectly normal to me because I found that everyone is a little unsure about the online dating thing, so I feel like its a great topic. These two guys were doing everything my book.

Stay tuned to see if they can date as good as they can type ;)


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Creating the Profile: 30 minutes...I think NOT!!

About 2 weeks ago, one of my girlfriends finally convinced me to sign up. Trust me, it wasn't an easy task! Words alone didn't get her point across. She had to introduce me to her new boyfriend, which she met on match. He was a complete gentlemen, and it finally hit me that maybe I SHOULD give it a try!!! Obviously, my way wasn't working. I have been single for about a year and a half now. The first six months I didn't want anything to do with the opposite sex! I needed that time to figure out who I was and why I let things get soooo bad. Then, I couldn't have asked for a better rebound guy!! For fun, lets call him "Bo." Bo treated me like a princess, and he gave me faith in men again! We helped each other out...I was his rebound as well! However, after two months, we realized we had met each other at the wrong time, and we moved on!! After that, no guy really stood out!! I feel like my heart has healed, and I'm ready to get back on the dating boat...instead of the "Kiki boat" (which consists of no boys and no alcohol...haha).

Well, I sat down to make my profile!! I thought...this will take 30 minutes max! About 2 hours later, I was able to view other profiles...haha! I guess its good that it's so in depth. That way guys get a feel for what kind of person I truly am. For anyone that is thinking about going on Match, my one word of advice is write your profile by completely being yourself. When I started, I found myself thinking..."what sounds the best?" I stopped...put on my PJs...and wrote from my gut!!! My profile is ME...not what I want people to see of me, but the true ME! Even when I was done, I was still having doubts about putting myself out there. Then...the very first profile I was reading made it clear that i was doing the right thing! In my profile I had written a comment about wanting a man that stood beside me, not in front or behind me. This first guy had written the same thing...word for word!! I know its a common saying and all, but what are the chances of the very first profile I view to have it? (Plus, I haven't seen it since!) I believe in signs, and this was one of them!

My first search was for men that were 25-35 years old and within a 15 mile radius from me. Well, 2000+ men popped up...haha! So I narrowed it down to no smoker, never been married, and no went down to 1700+ men. That first night I got through the first 5 pages...I was completely overwhelmed! I did manage to wink at 5 guys though;) I look at winking as the passive aggressive way of saying you are interested. I love "the wink" since I am passive aggressive!!!

Well, that's it for tonight!! Stay tuned!!


Monday, April 26, 2010

Reasons for the beginning

Hello all...

My name is Kiki, and after several days of contemplating, I have decided to let all of you in on my adventures of finding "Mr. Right." About two weeks ago, I signed up for yes I've gotten the "why???...a girl like you shouldn't have any problems finding a man." Well, here is where I'm coming from.... I'm a woman in my late 20s that is looking for a relationship, not a fling. I am a bartender/dance teacher. This means I get hit on by multiple drunks a night or divorced fathers that are bringing their 3 year old daughters to dance class. Neither I am very fond of :( Then, there's the fact that I have gotten my heart broken before, which means I have high standards. I believe everyone needs to get their heart ripped out at least once in order to figure out who they are, what they deserve, what they want, what they can and cannot tolerate...and the list can go on and on! Then, the icing on the cake is that my parents completely screwed me up when it comes to relationships. I grew up in the Midwest with the greatest family in the world! My parents will be celebrating their 35th Wedding Anniversary in October!! I want that!!! I want the promise that "the one" I pick will love and be there for me as long as I live. I know times have changed, but I truly believe it can still happen. I think my faith in true love helps keep me sane...that or all those chick flicks I watch :)

Through this blog I want to tell my story. I know everyone can relate...from the excitement of love to the heartache of rejection. Of course, I want to share my funny dating stories, but I also want to show you the emotional side as well. Women...I want you to see that you are not alone. We have all experienced the emotions that come with finding Mr. Right. Men...I want you to learn about our brains, hearts, and souls. It could just help you find Mrs. Right!!! that you know why I'm doing this, stay tuned for the process!!

Night everyone!