Thursday, April 29, 2010

It's Raining Men!

Within the first 48 hours of my profile being published, I had over 50 emails and about the same amount of winks! Let me tell you...its like another job in itself!! I couldn't keep up! (Sorry to all those men I didn't reply to because I was sooo overwhelmed...hey, I'll get back to you all one of these days.) Whenever someone new joins, they label their profile with an all caps locked "NEW." The way I look at it is that everyone sees that as "FRESH MEAT." Then, they pounce...haha!

Within these first 2 days, I realized that there are 3 types of emails. The first being "the one liner." Most one liners include some form of how attractive you are to them, as well as an invitation to meet or call. I guess they have no time to spare!! These are the men that just want to get in your pants...there I said it! These are also the men that I discard asap :) The second type of email I call the "foreign english." Every word they write is from the English language. However, I have NO idea what they are trying to say, which is where the foreign comes into play!! For example, one gentlemen wrote half a paragraph about electronics, which consisted of zero complete sentences. Then, the second half of his email went into describing himself with perfect grammar. Basically, the second half was cut and pasted...haha! Finally, the last type I call "the well rounded." These emails aren't too long, but they aren't too short either! These men tell about themselves, but they also ask about me. They ask enough questions to make it easy for a girl to reply, but not so many that the girl feels overwhelmed in answering all of them. Basically, these men know how to converse in general!

By the end of these first two days, two gentlemen stood out to me. Both wrote very nice, intellectual emails. I've been learning to trust my gut instincts (because they are always right). My gut told me that these two guys are looking for what I am looking for...a relationship. The first few emails that were exchanged were just common questions...getting to know each other. Then, the next few got into why we were on the site and what we wanted from it. Perfectly normal to me because I found that everyone is a little unsure about the online dating thing, so I feel like its a great topic. These two guys were doing everything my book.

Stay tuned to see if they can date as good as they can type ;)


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