Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Stand Out" Year

This past month I have been thinking a lot about me and the contents of this blog. The bottom line is the common denominator is ME...not all the men or situations or city. I discovered that I have been attracted to these men for a reason, and when I say these men, I mean all the way back to Ben. Every single man has made me feel superior in some way. I was the one with my shit together. I was the one that was financially OK. I was the one with common sense. I was the one that wasn't socially awkward in some way. I was the one with a good family. I was the one that was motivated. I'm not saying this to "toot" my own horn or put down all these men. I'm admitting these things, and saying that I have been copping out. The last six months I have been feeling like I didn't know what I wanted, and I felt like I was taking a huge step backwards from when I started this blog. However, I'm realizing that this had to happen for me to get to a place to be ready for "Mr. Right!" I have heard the question "Does he make you a better person?" MANY times, BUT, I'm finally realizing the importance of it. Its about how he challenges you!! For the longest time, I thought these challenges were made especially for me. NO!!! The challenges are already there because he is being who he is!! With this, I women feels proud to stand beside her man, and the goal of success in mutual! I want to feel like I have to work to be equal to him because he has passion for life. (Not because he is cocky and big headed; thats a different type of "man.") I hope some of you are following...hahaha:) Ladies, you know the guys that make your heart skip a beat or your stomach to be in knots. Those are the times you are working to be at his level because you believe he is on a pedestal. There is something about these men. Something that makes us work harder. When we were young, it probably was the way he looked. As I'm getting older, looks are of course still apart of it, but the way he carries himself is a HUGE factor. I want a confident man that isn't afraid to just be the person that he has become. Someone that is comfortable in his own skin! This could also be why women tend to look to older men;) It just takes awhile for them to figure it out. Also, I want to "stand out." I have worked in the bartending business for seven years now. I have seen it all!! Men will sit down at the bar, and spot a lady. They will try to impress her, and when they are shot down, they move on to the next girl. I realize that most of these men are not looking for Mrs. Right just Miss. Right Now, but I want to be the girl that stands out in a crowd. The one a man can't stop thinking about, and he has to get "her" number. I don't want to have to be in front of his face for him to actually think of me. Basically, I want him to think about me the way I think about him...always at the front of my mind:) Ladies, remember that being single doesn't mean you are alone; it means you have all the options in the world! xoxo Kiki

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