Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All These Men But No Dates :(

I've had an interesting past week! I have connected with several men, but for various reasons, I haven't ended up meeting any of them. There is a total of five men that I have been emailing for the past 2 weeks, and each of them are completely different. I'm trying to figure out what I like and what I don't like. Since these men are extremely different, I feel like they all could help me in some way!! Don't get me wrong, I do have my favorite. However, I have already learned that the best guy in emails could be the worst man in person :(

Lets start with Marcus....When Marcus and I started emailing, his subscription to match was almost over, so we started talking via email. He works in TV production, and he was really busy with the televising of the World Cup. This being said; he has postponed our coffee date twice now. I have to give him credit though...he has always kept me informed. However, I still believe that if a man is into you, he will make time for you!!! But I have to remember, he hasn't met the wonderful me in person yet ;) How can he really be "that" into me?!?!? Marcus isn't dead...just delayed...stay tuned!!

Then, there was Elliot!!! Elliot cracks me up just thinking about him...HAHA! He emails me first...stating he is moving to Silverlake from Tuscan in the near future. His email was nice, and he was very clear that he liked to get to know someone before meeting them. He wanted to email and text before he moved out, so when Elliot got here, we already had the base set up. At the time, it seemed logical, and I have been willing to try anything (as long as it is safe of course). Long story short, we exchanged phone numbers. A couple days past and I decided to text him first. I kept it casual with "Hi Elliot, its Kiki from Match! Good morning!" He responded with "Kiki?" Come many Kiki's are on match that one man is talking with????? I came back with "I made that much of an impact huh? haha." (I have been showing my sassy side these days;)) All he had was "Long day." "And scene" is what ran through my head. Oh no...three days later at 1AM Elliot text "Hi." I couldn't let this one go, so I say "so you remember who I am!" He comes back with "Yes, sexy!" Of course, I follow with "so how drunk are you?" Elliot goes on the defense with "Zero. Why?" I proceed to tell him how he just called me Sexy at one o'clock in the morning after 3 days of not responding to me. I mean...come on!! In his profile, Elliot states how he wants an intelligent woman, so I called him out! His response is CLASSIC!!! Are you ready for this..?...? He replies with "OK Bye." All I can do is laugh! I wouldn't be surprised if Elliot tried again, but for now, that's all the hilarious commentary I have :)

Next is Clark, and the first time I viewed his profile, I chose not to contact him. It came down to one sentence that he wrote..."I have been told that I am sexy." What type of man really writes that about himself? I want a humble man, not a self absorbed man! He ended up IMing me one night, and we had a nice conversation. I still didn't contact him though; he just wasn't jumping off the screen. He emailed me a few days later with one word..."Hey!" I have realized that he is a man of few words to put it lightly! If I would have gotten this when I first started Match, I would have deleted him so fast! But...I have realized that a man can be completely different on screen than in person, so I gave him a chance! After about three emails back and forth, I still didn't know his! I finally asked for it, and he responded with "Clark, but names aren't that important:)" We set up a date, and I gave him my number. The ball was in his court. I picked the day, and he asked for my number. The day came and past, and he didn't call or email. Basically, I got stood up:(! That's the first time that has ever happened to me, but surprisingly, I was ok with it. God knows what he is doing, and maybe, I wasn't suppose to meet him! I am interested to see if he ever contacts me though. Don't worry...I will let you know!

The next two are the ones that are standing out!! First, there is Graham. He is an ADULT!! He runs his own construction/engineering company, and my gut tells me, he is a complete gentlemen!! I find myself looking forward to his emails...just like I was with Bucky at the beginning! Even though Bucky didn't work out, I was truly excited about him!!! Anyway, Graham wants to meet, which is great! The problem is my schedule....My sister is coming out to visit and then, I'm going home for vacation. I'm trying to fit in all these men before my sister comes because I can't leave my sister for a date...that is crappy of me!!!! I know that I will be writing more about Graham; it just might take awhile!

Finally, there is Brett!!! I found Brett randomly, but as I was looking through his pictures, I saw him in a t-shirt of my NFL team from my home state!!! He is a Midwest boy, and I am a sucker for them!!!! For the most part, Midwest people have the same values, and they are just good people!! (Plus, Brett is extremely attractive to me!!) I emailed him right away, and I have to say, I probably came off a little chezy :( I guess it didn't matter because he emailed me back!! He is from my home state, and he is going home about the same time I am. The problem I have with Brett is that I feel like he is just being friendly. Plus, I find myself wanting to meet him, which means I actually like him! Usually when this happens, I screw it up somehow...haha! He is six years older than me, but I don't want him to think I'm a young, dumb girl. I just want to meet him, so he can see who I really am! Is that too much to ask? I think not!!

So... many men, but no insight this entry. I have a feeling the insight will be what follows!!


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