Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sometimes Bicycle Rides Suck

After Mr.Ten gracefully "peaced out," I decided to get right back on my bike. Let me tell you, I wasted no time at all....the very next day I had a lunch date with an interesting man I'll refer to as Bentley. Since I know myself, I had a little pep-talk with my neighbor before meeting my latest "match." When I actually find a guy that catches my attention (which isn't all that often), it always throws me a bit when they "dismiss" me. This feeling of not being good enough for them floods over me. I know sometimes this could be true, but the more I live and learn, I think it's more about me being too much for them (or at least that's what helps me cope). My neighbor, who also is a member of, reminded me that every date I go on is another opportunity to meet a new friend. Of course, none of us are really doing this just to find friends, but it's true! Why wouldn't anyone want, all relationships should start and end with friendship!!

OK...on with the date....I went into the date knowing Bentley worked in investments and owned his own business. When I walked into the restaurant and saw Bentley, I had two observations immediately. First, all his pictures on match had been photo shopped. I mean if that's what you look like, that's fine!! Just don't lie about it! Be proud of who you are, not what a computer button can make you. Second, his energy wasn't focused if that makes any sense at all. It was a little ADD in a way. Throughout lunch, I realized that he couldn't have a down moment. There always had to be a topic being discussed, which could be nerves...I guess. Then there was the issue of Bentley's car. He parked directly in front of the restaurant, and he put quarters in the meter three times during our meal. What I really wanted to to say was "I get it; you have a nice car. You want to see my Chevy Lumina?" I just don't think that would have gone over very well...haha! I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes my gut just knows when a person doesn't fit into my world. Bentley doesn't fit....his energy doesn't fit. After a week of not hearing from him, I assumed he felt the same way. Oh no...I am never that lucky! Bentley calls exactly a week later. I have also learned that men want what they cannot have...which is why the ones I don't want always want me. Don't worry...I won't be returning that call anytime soon:)

Well...maybe the next bicycle ride will be better!!


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