Monday, June 21, 2010

I Could Have Done Without That

The night after the lovely Clark stood me up, he started talking to me using’s IM service (which takes me back to my college days by the way). Clark told me that he was sorry but he was visiting his grandma the night before. Yes…he pulled the grandma card :) What I really wanted to say would have went something like this…”So visiting your grandma means you cannot text, call, or email to just let me know? You actually think that was a good move…douche-bag?” However, I decided not to pull the b#@$%^&%* card. I replied by asking how is grandma was…hahaha…I am passive aggressive! Clark continued to talk about randomness, but I was not about to ask him out again since I was the one who asked initially. He finally asked when he was going to get to see me…and I said, “I don’t know, you tell me.” I, of course meant it in a sassy tone, but he probably didn’t pick up on that. Long story short, we planned to meet the next night. I put the ball in his court…he was to pick the place, the time, and let me know the details the next day. I just felt like he needed to make up for the blow off the night before!!

The next afternoon Clark text, and we set up to meet at 8:30 at a sushi place by him. As the night progressed, he kept pushing back the time…8:30 became 8:45…8:45 became 9:00. I’m not dumb; this was also the night the Lakers were playing for the championship. Don’t get me wrong, I want a MAN that actually schedules his life around his team’s games (this means he is straight in my book, which lately I have been having a hard time attracting!). However, this wasn’t impressing me since he stood me up two nights prior, and he wasn’t just coming out and telling me why. By 9:10, we had finally met. My first impression was his pictures on match weren’t the “real” Clark if you know what I mean ;) It wasn’t bad, but I look at my pictures, and I look like them! I don’t want my date to be disappointed when a super model doesn’t show up at their table. I’m finding out that a huge part of attraction for me is how a man presents himself. Things that are standing out to me are energy levels, posturing, eye contact, etc. Whoever I am meeting, I know I have a welcoming presence. I don’t care how nervous you are…there is no reason to not smile and be inviting!! I can tell Clark has an introverted personality, and his energy level is extremely lower than mine. It got to the point that when I was talking, his face would be completely blank…no emotion at all. I want a man that is present, not necessarily in agreement just present! Clark is nice, but I think he is probably on the site because socially he does have problems meeting women.

Then, it ended with us splitting the bill :( I’m not one of those girls that is all about men picking up the tab, but after everything, it was just crappy! First, he stood me up. Then, he kept pushing the time back. He also made me drive to him, and he walked to the restaurant! Plus, he took the leftovers home…haha! To put it mildly, Clark is cheap…haha! Every date is a learning experience! I just hope I didn’t tickle his fancy because he sure didn’t tickle anything on me…lol!

Just so all my readers know...I'm going home on vacation for a couple of weeks. There will be no writing blogs, but you never know I might go on a date with a Midwest boy while I'm there ;) However, i do have possible candidates for when I return!!


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