Monday, July 26, 2010

The Famous Friend of a Friend Method

First, to catch you up on Patrick, I finally just wrote him an email after I hadn't heard from him in 5 days. The finance of one of my good friends piped up after he listened to us talking about how long I should wait before I emailed him. He told me that if I liked him it didn't matter how long I waited...just let him know that I was still interested. So...I emailed him with the truth...lost his number, would like to meet up again...the end. About 3 days later, Patrick replied with little enthusiasm, but he did give me is number again. Honestly, the whole casual behavior was rubbing me the wrong way. Every woman wants to be wanted...especially in the beginning!! Plus, another man came into the picture........

Oh yes...the famous friend of a friend method! Obviously, Mr. Ten didn't work out, so I'm not sure if this method actually works for me. However, I've been trying to keep an open mind about this whole dating thing ;) Anyway, the girl who is playing match maker, I have known since I moved to LA three and a half years ago. She knows me pretty well, and she has been very active in my life for the past six she is aware of all my latest adventures. My friend met Alan at her new job, and she said that one day it just clicked that we would be perfect for each other. One random day, she text me Alan's number, and told me to contact him. The old Kiki would have laughed and disregarded the whole message. The new and improved Kiki contacted him right away...haha! To make a long story short, we text and found each other on facebook. I have to say that every picture of him looks like a completely different person...none of them being bad, but I really didn't know what he would look like in person. During these first couple days, I really enjoyed talked to him, and looked forward to talking to him! I also realized something about how I have been going about all these dates. I have been meeting all these men wanting the complete package on the first date. I wanted the physical attraction, the self confidence, the gentlemen, the charm, the conversation, the contentment...and the list could go on and on for days! I thought back to my first date with Ben. I remember not being physically attracted to him at all...I was praying that he wouldn't kiss me good night(HA). However, with time, his personality and charm made me sooo attracted to him it was crazy! Basically, I came to the conclusion that I have been being very demanding. Don't get me wrong, certain dates I knew from the get go that he was all wrong for me. But others, I had been trying to fit these men into this mold I had created. Every man has their own mold; they should never fit into mine. Just like I want to be my own person; I want them to be their own person!!! I'm so glad I realized this before I met Alan!! The date was amazing!!! I really feel like we equally shared information about ourselves; neither one of us dominated the conversation. He has several qualities that I like. For example, I can tell Alan is very family oriented, which is a huge turn on for me! He also stated his disapproval on the topic of cheating...another plus! I can just sense that we are at the same place in our lives. I have this amazing guy friend back home that I could never "be" with, but I could go to him with any problem. We can't be anything more than friends, but I know he is going to make some lady the happiest woman on earth. I feel like Alan is that type of guy to all his female friends. I want to be the lady that Alan makes the happiest woman on earth :)

I catch myself with this huge smile whenever he texts or whenever someone asks about him. God...I am such a girl sometimes...hahahaha! Guys have been emailing me on match, but they aren't comparing at all. We have our second date planned for Thursday! My gut is telling me that it feels right!! I don't think I have ever had this feeling before, but I'm not afraid! More than anything, I am excited! I believe what you put out into the universe is what you get back. I can't put out anything but positive energy when it comes to Alan...that is all I am feeling!

Thursday can't come soon enough!!


1 comment:

  1. Totally feel ya on trying to compare boys to some ideal you have in your never works! Have fun on your second date. :)
