Friday, December 3, 2010

A Chill Pill A Day Keeps the Freaks Away

I'm realizing that women, in general, just need to chill out. We over analyze EVERYTHING! If something is meant to be, it will be. I've been thinking about this concept quite frequently. Think about it...why do we stress about potential mates? Why do we care so much about how they react to what we say or feel? Why do we worry about how they feel? All we have to do is be ourselves, and everything else will fall into place. If someone doesn't like something about me to the point that they can't accept it, why would I want to be with them anyway. I don't think that I want to watch what I say...I want to say how I feel when I feel it!! If a man can't handle it then it wasn't suppose to happen anyway.

I hear my girlfriends stress about so many things, and I have to wonder if I sound anything like them. I love the friends that stress that "he" isn't texting or calling. "He normally texts me by 10, and its 11:56!!" I want to laugh at them, but I know I've felt the same way. My question now is why does he have to be the one to contact you? And why does 2 hours freak us out? Then, there are the friends that worry that they asked too much of a guy too soon. If he doesn't feel the same way, why waste anymore time. If he gets freaked out about you wanting to only see each other, he probably has commitment problems anyway. Plus, that's his code for I'm seeing a dozen other women...this week...haha!

This whole concept was prompted by this gentleman that I met at work. I met him this last summer when I was dating Alan (if that is what one calls what we were doing). Needless to say, I wasn't thinking of this man as nothing but an acquaintance at the time. After I saw him a few times at work, I started to look forward to seeing him. We just have so much fun talking to each other! He makes me laugh, which I'm realizing is very important to me. I've had this vision of the guy that I'm going to end up with in my head since I was a young girl. This gentleman doesn't look anything like this picture in my head, but I light up whenever I see him. Anyway, in the last few weeks, I have decided that I need to take a chill pill because there is no reason to stress about him. I just need to let it stressing! I need to just "be."

A very wise elderly man (that I met at my Coffee Bean) told me that "intelligence is awareness." I couldn't agree more with him!!! Be aware when a freak comes into your life, so you can make an intelligent decision about the situation! That's my tip of the you like it?!?!?!?


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