Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Want a Man with His Shit Together!!!

Why is it soooo hard to find a man in this town that has his shit together?!?!? I'm not talking about being rich or having a fancy job. I mean a man that knows what he wants (I'm not saying he has it all at the moment), knows how to multi-task (this means professional and personal life within the same week), is respectful (this includes not standing a girl up), and doesn't have to say "I'm sorry" within the first month of dating. I mean how hard can these things actually be for a man? If you don't like someone, tell them! If you do...don't be a douche!! The only thing I can think of is that they are afraid to not have any prospects. They hang onto girls that they know are not "the one" because there is nothing better in sight. When I even think about doing this, the word "settle" pops into my head...and it doesn't leave until I get rid of the guy. I mean...think about it...when you REALLY like someone, you can't stop thinking about them. Why would you not return their phone call for 5 whole days or list the 25 things you have to accomplish in the next week? You would call back as soon as you got their message, and you would make time to see them even if your list had 100 things on it! The bottom line is that the woman didn't trip his trigger...enough.

Shane is a prime example of a man that doesn't have his shit together. I guess I should have noticed the warning signs...32 year old break dancer that was starting his own business. Being a dancer myself, I know I can't professionally dance all my life because your body can't perform like it use to when you get into your thirties. This whole "starting a business" is about him realizing he has no idea what to do with his life, and he isn't where he wants to be. Shocker...another financially unstable man in LA :) What ticks me off the most is that a REAL woman doesn't care about money...she cares about how you deal with the cards you are dealt! However, man don't like to show how they deal because the struggle isn't manly and strong. Shane text the other night to apologize and ask for forgiveness. The first thing I thought was why should I forgive bad behavior from a selfish man. Then, after a moment, I realized if that is what he needed for closure to make him feel better about the situation, why shouldn't I help him move onto the next girl? I mean, obviously I can do better...I deserve a man that communicates with me, respects me, includes me, supports me, etc. So that is what I did...I forgave his sorry ass :)

Then, I did what any single lady in LA does after another guy bites the dust, I went on another date! I met Baxter at a coffee shop for an actual first date. I remember about half way through the date Baxter was telling me about his career. I looked into his eyes, and I could tell he would never disrespect me!! He is man enough to tell me how he feels and that intrigues me. By the way he talks about his life, his shit is together, and he is proud of it! Physically, the feeling I got was middle of the road, but his confidence helps that aspect out. When I got into my car to leave, I thought to myself that if he would ask for a second date, I would totally go! Respect from a man goes a long way in my book!!!

Stay tuned to see who wins the "shit together race."


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