Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh the "Best Man"

While I thought Shane was pulling a disappearing act, the best man from the last wedding I worked at asked me to lunch. David was a complete gentleman at the wedding, and totally threw himself out there to ask me out. I always have a soft spot for men that are brave enough to ask me out in person. (that and I don't like being mean...haha) To make a long story short, I agreed to a lunch date. Remember, I must "let go, let flow." David drove 25 miles to pick me up. Then he drove all the way to Santa Monica because he made reservations at a restaurant on the eighteenth floor of a hotel over looking the ocean. To put it mildly, he put some effort into this date, and actually, thought about it! I was very impressed by his dedication to making the date go well. However, I have never been the type of girl that is impressed by fancy things. I mean...I'm a farm girl from the Midwest. I would be happy to go to a burger joint instead of a five star restaurant! I actually feel uncomfortable in these situations. I don't want men to spend a lot of money on me; all I really want is there time. David is nice, put together, established, easy to talk to...but I felt nothing towards him:( There was no chemistry, and I found myself thinking about other things I could be doing. All throughout lunch, I didn't feel at ease because it was so uppity. That isn't me!!! Since that date, David has called and text about a second date. I have to figure out how to tell him "thanks, but no thanks." I hate that part. This is why I didn't date for so long because I don't like being mean, and I never want to be the vanishing girl!

Plus, if I'm comparing, that date didn't even come close to the first date I had with Shane!! Think about it...I have never really kissed a guy on the first date before (I have given a beck once). Shane is the first man I have wanted to kiss right away, which is an amazing sign! I have all these rules when it comes to men, and the funny thing man I have been with has made me want to break them. Until now...


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