Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Never Stop Listening to Your Gut

So...I have to admit something. I haven't been writing about how much I'm freaking out about the entire Alan situation. I've been trying to play it down because it actually goes deeper than just a guy not calling me. Trust me, I've been through that, and I have survived multiple nights of my phone not making a single sound. At first, I was making the normal excuses for Alan. He is busy. He just started a new job. He lives far away. Then, I realized that if I like someone nothing matters because I will make time for them. It's the same for men...if they like you, they will want to be around you! The next step that naturally comes into play is the "not needing him" phase. This phase consists of keeping myself very distracted, which includes work, projects, and of course match.com. I hadn't logged onto match since the day I met Alan. Yeah, I got the emails, but I just keep deleting them all. None of them come close to Alan!! This is where the deeper part comes into play...my gut from the get go told me he was it! This feeling in the pit of my stomach comes over me whenever I think about him. He fits everything I've ever wanted in a man...except for the not calling :( Anyway, I actually started to double guess my gut...so not cool!!!!!!! Since my wall was up, I accepted an invite to meet with Graham (one of the men from back in June). I was trying to convince myself that Alan wasn't the only guy out there, so it didn't matter that he was blowing me off. Meanwhile, I wrote my last blog, and I realized that I had to follow my gut. I had to throw myself out there because I do believe Alan is worth it! I told him I missed him, which is 100% true. He responded with the same answer and made a phone date. Guess what...Alan called when he said it would, and he charmed the pants off me!! Of course, I wanted to cancel my date with Graham, but after some contemplation, I realized that I wanted Alan to stand out. So...I put my makeup on and sat down to converse with Graham. The whole time all I could think was "you aren't Alan." He stood out all right...by at least a mile :) Alan and I have a date planned for this week, and I don't think I could be more excited! I will never second guess my gut again...no matter what. A woman's intuition is amazing to say the least!!


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