Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Believe in Signs

While sitting at my normal Coffee Bean writing yet another blog, I realize that I have spent most of my life in my own little world. This means I don't notice when people try to step into my life. Lately, I have been trying to be open to others' actions because you never know how a complete stranger can affect your life. For the past three weeks, random men have been approaching me just to tell me I'm beautiful. Every women can appreciate this to some degree, but I found it funny that this started to happen less then a week after I let go of Alan. I've always been the girl that has thought of herself as average looking, but a well rounded package (which no one can see at a first glance). I know I'm not the drop dead gorgeous one, but I have come to love the way I am. I wouldn't want to be anyone but myself...which helps in the self confidence category...I guess!! Anyway, this all started at a friends birthday party. The bouncer politely interrupted my conversation with my friend to tell me I was the most beautiful women he has seen, and that I reminded him of his mother. He was a complete gentlemen, and he didn't linger. He threw it down and walked away. Then, about a week later while stopped on an off ramp, a young man motioned me to roll down my window. All he said was "I just wanted to tell you are beautiful." The light changed and we both were on our merry way. Finally, about three hours ago, a man working at the table beside me walked up to tell me he loved my look, and he just wanted to compliment me. I thanked all three of these men with a smile on my face and went on with my day. It wasn't until hours after all these occurrences that I thought about what God was trying to tell me. Every women can agree that after a break up you feel like the most undesirable women on the planet. You feel like you might never find "the one." Ladies...don't ever stop being you! There will always be men out there that notice that beauty. They might not say it out loud, but they are thinking it!!!!

There are signs everywhere...take a moment to appreciate them. Maybe even tell a complete stranger how they appear in your eyes. It could just make a difference in their life...and yours!!!



  1. Show us your pretty face! Post pix!

  2. Taryn, I would, but then everyone would know who Kiki Roberts "really" is....and I'm not ready for that yet! I like how everyone in the blog is protected! Maybe one day...when I publish it!!!
