Friday, November 5, 2010

Why Are Females So Clueless

I'm pretty sure that I might offend at least a dozen of my girlfriends with this blog, but it's being written because it has to be! I'm not putting myself above any female; I'm just as clueless as the next one. About a year ago, I started telling my friends the way I saw it. The cold, hard truth about the men in their lives. I stopped sugar coating situations to give my friends a glimmer of hope. I think it all was prompted by the numerous times I sat alone on a Friday night watching "He's Just Not That Into You." By now, I'm pretty good at telling any female to just move on because ultimately if a man wants to be with you...he WILL be with you! Why is it so easy to see things so clearly from the outside, but when I am in it, all the excuses and explanations so easily flow out of my mouth? I realized last night that I am such a hypocrite. The past four months I have given Alan almost every excuse in the book. I remember about a month before I called it quits, I popped in "He's Just Not That Into You," and after about ten minutes, I had to turn it off because I got sick to my stomach. Deep down I knew what was happening, but I wasn't ready to face it. One of my wonderful Capricorn characteristics is that I don't like to admit defeat. I have to remind myself that this isn't defeat, but settling for a man that doesn't know my worth would be! So...I'm a winner!! (in more ways than one...haha)

Since I am queen of making the man I am seeing look wonderful in others eyes, I have been noticing how females in general are clueless. The bottom line is all woman want to make a family, and we crave the structure that a relationship can bring to our lives. Plus, females know that other female friends just want what is best for us, and their maternal instincts come out. They start explaining their situation like they are sitting in a witness box. For example, one of my girlfriends had a party, and right as a bunch of us showed up, her newly proclaimed boyfriend was leaving. At the moment, I thought nothing of it. Until she started rambling excuses of why he had to go. Hold on...remember back to the first month you were with your last boyfriend/ much sleep did you really get? How much did you actually care about not getting sleep? I remember only wanting to be beside them. I'm over excuses...I'm done with words...I want action...I want to see how much that man likes my girlfriend!!!

Then there are the girls that actually wonder why he isn't calling. I believe men and women are not that different! When I like someone, I think about them constantly. This is why the excuse that he is just too busy is bull shit! No person goes non-stop 24 hours a day. Plus, with the wonderful invention known as texting, it takes two seconds to type "hi." Ladies....why wonder...just keep moving!

Oh...and I love the women that talk about how intimate having sex was with a man they have dated for a week. Call me old fashion, but if you want a real connection, you have to get to know a person. Not just how to unbuckle his belt...find out the name of his first kiss. Find out his favorite memory of his grandmother. Find out why you caught his eye. Tell him how a man broke your heart. Tell him why its hard for any man to live up to your father. Let him into your heart before you let him into your body!!! If you allow this to happen, it isn't just sex. It's making love, and I can't think of anything better to experience!

Well...sugar coating only happens in my kitchen from now on, so I have to keep all men out of my kitchen!


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