Monday, November 15, 2010

The Universe and It’s Flippin Pull

Over the past seven months, I am very grateful for the response this blog has been receiving! Even though I have created it based fully on complete truth, I have protected all subjects written about. I absolutely love it when readers voice their opinion, connection, disapproval, approval, etc. to any aspect of any blog! The first and foremost reason I decided to write this was to help others. For each person, the reason could vary…maybe someone just needed a push to get back out in the dating world, or maybe they needed to know their feelings were normal. No one likes to feel alone in any endeavor. Well…that is where I come in…I’ve been told its pretty gutsy to do what I am doing. I just feel like I have so much to share, and I am pleased that people actually want to listen!

One of my faithful readers ran into me a couple of nights ago. She has a beautiful spirit, and her insight on several topics are so right on that I have to share them with my readers!! She stated that the universe’s pull is so strong that it won’t let forces come together if they are not compatible. The moment the words came out of her mouth, bells started to make music in my head. Just think about any relationship that you kept pushing and pushing to succeed…you were pushing because the universe was already working against it. Let me guess…the more you pushed, the more it got worse…right? Take Alan for example (since I am still working the whole situation out in my head). After our second date, we didn’t see each other for a month. This was the universe’s first attempt to pull us apart. Oh but I wasn’t ready for any of that, so I started to push. Then, after two weeks of dating, he took another month hiatus. The universe was doing what it does best. It was keeping us apart…but yet I kept pushing. I believe a relationship takes effort; don’t get me wrong. However, this effort should come from both sides evenly and without a moment of hesitancy. Now that I think about it, Alan has a negative outlook on life. Sure I have my moments, but I tend to see the positive in every situation (or I try to, I should say). Our forces have different charges. I don’t want a man like that because after awhile it will weigh on me. I want a man that I have to work to get up to his level…not down! Like attracts like!!! My whole heart believes this, which is why I know I’m going to find him. Maybe it’s just that I’m so damn unique that there is no one out there like me…haha. No…I think people like me are just few and far between!

This amazing woman also told me something that one of my dance professors told me back in college. Back then, he was referring to my physical body, but now she was talking about my heart. They both said that pain was a good thing. It makes you aware of what hurt you in the first place. My college professor told me that if I bruised my knee that every time I hit it, it would remind me not to do that action again. This wise advise helped prevent many injuries to my body as well as other dancers’ bodies. Now that I’m applying this to my heart, it makes complete sense. However, I do feel like it could hinder a person as well. I agree with it because feeling any emotion tells us that we are alive, so yes, pain is a good thing. Plus, when you feel pain, you also know where that pain is coming from…or should I say who. I try to never let the same thing happen to myself twice; I learn from my experiences! Ladies and gentlemen, don’t let the same person hurt you over and over again!!! Walk away and let them go! However, sometimes I feel like I shut myself off to certain people because of past hurt. It’s hard to trust your heart and another person again. Everyone works at their own speed, but remember that your special someone could be moments away from you even if you have just caught a tear running down your cheek.

Remember, all you extremely unique people out there…someone with the same uniqueness as you is waiting, so be ready to come face to face with unconditional love!!


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