Friday, May 28, 2010

Everything happens for a I hear!

Right about the time I wrote the last blog, I started seeing classic "peace out" signs from Mr. Ten. He kept using the line "lets talk soon." If you want to talk, flippin' talk to me!! He kept using the excuse that he couldn't see me because he didn't trust himself not to get physical. How can someone get to know someone if they never see them? And in the words of my good friend, "he needs to get over his boner and be a man." He didn't call when he said he would. I'm big about following through. If you know you are not going to do something, then don't even say it!!! As a result, I wanted to throw something huge at him to see if he could hang. I decided to send him the link to my blog and explain to him why I started it. I told Mr. Ten that I wanted him to read it from the beginning. My gut told me he should find out from me, and let me tell you, the one thing I have learned in the last year and a half is to follow my gut!! He responded two days after I sent it with a nice email stating he was honored by what I wrote about him....and of course that we should "talk soon" ...hahaha! Well, soon for boys is about four days, and that's only because he was leaving for a month on vacation.

During this week of Mr. Ten being MIA, I started thinking about why I only focus on the good traits a man has at the beginning. I mean no person is perfect, and there are always going to be qualities one dislikes. For some reason, I ignore them until its over and, then, they all come flooding out. Well, my gut told me to think about them earlier this time. I don't like how Mr. Ten crosses his legs. It makes me feel like he is less masculine. I don't like how a huge part of his life is focused around God. Don't get me wrong, I talk to God everyday, but that's between me and God. I don't like how Mr. Ten is an actor. I promised myself after the ex that I would never do that again. However, I just keep going back to "them," and their selfish ways. I don't like how he puts a time limit on me. He could never be around me for too I might crack the code to his safe. I don't like how he can stop a text conversation in mid question, and two days later text like he never stopped talking. Am I "that" important to him? Of course there are things I loved about him too. I loved how he wasn't afraid to talk about anything. I loved how he made me feel like a lady. I loved how I finally found a man that actually "fit" on my couch. I thought about all this because I was preparing myself for the bad or the good. I was trying to protect my heart since no man in my life has done that for me.

Anyway, Mr. Ten and I spent all day trying to connect. He wanted to talk about where we stood before he left town. To sum the conversation up, he doesn't see us going any further (another one bites the dust). Of course, he said he wouldn't change anything about me, and I responded with "I wouldn't either." And that's the honest truth!!! Why wouldn't any man want a woman who wants to share her whole self with them? Isn't that the find someone that is a witness to your everyday life....that loves and supports everything you do! I want to be angry at him, but deep down I know that he wasn't willing to be the man I want and deserve. He is just a boy that is trying to figure out what he wants and deserves. I've been through that, and he saved me so much energy that I can put towards people and things that actually want my love. Mr. Ten did however break my curse of the "2!" I only knew him for five weeks!! Plus, he made me realize that I am ready for the real thing!! I told my friend today that maybe the vision of Mr. Ten walking up to hug me and my daughter had nothing to do with him. I think it might have to do with me being ready for the "real deal." Plus, who really wants me to stop writing this blog...hahaha!

God knows what he is doing...everything happens for a reason. Look at it this way...the man of my dreams can thank Mr. Ten for letting this one get away!

Well, on to the next wink! I already have a lunch date tomorrow...if you fall off your bike, get right back on right?!?!?!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Biff, Bucky, and of course....Mr. Ten

I am almost caught up, so I'm going to do it all at once....since at the current moment, I am not at all scared about getting caught up. I actually feel excited about it!!!

First, lets finish the Biff story. I was hoping that it was just a mutual feeling...about not being the right type for each other. But of course he text 3 days later. Oh the good old "3 day rule." I didn't respond since I was working, so he HAD to follow up with another text the next day saying his ego was being hurt. Since I need lessons on how to be straight forward when its going to hurt someone, I just blamed it on work. He was happy with the response, but I never text back....he got the hint, and stopped as well. I need to learn how to tell a guy that he is great, but not great for me without hurting his feeling. I hate being in that position, which maybe is why I haven't dated a lot. I know I completely dislike men that keep leading me on and never tell me this useful piece of knowledge. I must stop that cycle on my end!! I think that Biff came into my life to teach me this, and I thank him for that!!

Now on to Bucky...basically, I just wanted my stuff back!! I completely take the blame for leaving it, and I have learned my lesson! He had three cheese cake pan, my Golden Girls DVD, and a plate. The way I looked at it was the pan and DVD could be replaced, but the plate was the big thing! One of my very best friends left her grandmother's dishes with me when she moved to NYC, and losing that plate meant the set wasn't complete!!! After about a month of random texting from both of us, I finally decided I just had to go over there and get it. I went by myself...I got myself into this mess, and I needed to get myself out of it too. Bucky had gotten hurt at work, and he was on work man's comp. When he finally answered his door (shirtless), he played it off like he was out of it from the pain medication. I guess he needed to cope with the fact that he had to see me again in some way, and it actually made me feel even more mature. Once I got my stuff, I told him to have a nice day and walked out of his life felt good!! Once I got to my car, where it was only one was watching...this feeling of not being wanted rushed over me. I feel like he didn't care enough to even tell me why he acted the way he did...I didn't effect him at all. I didn't touch him with my presence. I know everyone is dealing with there own demons, so I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but I am! I haven't figured out what I was suppose to learn from Bucky, but I know he has made me stronger!

Finally Mr. Ten!!! After the first night we met, the ball kept rolling! Throughout the next couple of weeks, he became this person in my life that I looked forward to talking to and seeing. We had an adult conversation about taking it slow and actually getting to know each other before it got physical. Mr. Ten started this conversation, which made me extremely happy since I have this two month rule when it comes to the bedroom. I figure that if a man sticks around for two months without gettin' any, they are in it for more than just sex. I know that my heart doesn't handle men that peace out after I open up and give them the biggest part of body. I can't do this until I know they want all of me (my heart, body, and soul). I know its deep when you think about just starting a relationship, but I'm at a point in my life where I want to find my husband and father of my children...not just some guy I want to roll in the hay with. Anyway, Mr. Ten challenges me in ways that I love. He brings up issues like this without hesitation, which forces me to talk about them. I found myself not being afraid to state my feelings on the issue!! I think in the year and a half that I have been single I have broken the habit I formed with my ex when it came to not speaking my mind!!! Or maybe its just Mr. Ten...he makes me feel like I can!

Things with Mr. Ten were going great. We were taking it nice and slow, and I wasn't caught up in wondering if I was doing everything right. We were just going with the flow! Then, one day I was walking in the mall with a friend when a man walked by holding his one year old son. This picture popped in my head of me holding my daughter, and Mr. Ten walked up to us and hugged us both. Right then it hit me that I have never looked at any of the men I have dated as potential fathers, until now! At first, it just made me smile, but then I started to freak out. This means that I actually like Mr. Ten, and with that comes the potential of getting hurt. I know I tell my friends all the time "great love takes great risk," but it doesn't make it any less scary! This was also about the time I started to over analyze everything Mr. Ten did. I need to chill, and tell him how I feel. After all, he is the one that isn't afraid to bring up big issues right?!?! Well, wish me luck. I just have to remember I didn't name him Mr. Ten for nothing!!!!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Keep Trying

Oh Bucky...there are so many things I could say. Where to start....??? After our amazing cheese cake date, he stayed in contact for about two days. Then, the famous "peace out" that I am use to started to take affect. The girl in me thought that maybe since he was initiating all the conversation he needed to be reassured that I was actually interested.'s some advise...if you like each other, it doesn't matter who is calling who!!! If he isn't calling, there is a reason!! For about the next week, I was running everything that happened between us over and over in my head (another girl thing to do). This is what I came up with: people join Match for one of two reasons. They either want to hook up or find a relationship. There is nothing in between!!! Bucky would have at least tried to "hook up" if that was what he was looking for. I'm not saying that I wanted him to, but I was in his bed for heaven sake! Then, there's the fact that he hangs up his blue jeans, and his closet is arranged by color....the way he walks...his new room mate is homosexual...I think he is GAY! Which is wonderful, I just want him to stop trying not to be! I know where he grew up, and the Midwest isn't as open minded as LA has become. I just really feel sorry for people who feel like they can't be who they really want to be! To me, that means that they can never be fully content with their life!!

"Just keep trying".....that what I told myself! I mean that's why I went on date!! The second guy that stood out in the first week of emails was still emailing me, so I decided to go for it. There is no harm in meeting people. This man, who I will be referring to as Biff, seemed to be very careful in his approach. I learned that he had been on and off Match for about five years, and he had many stories to prove it. His emails were always very well written, but sometimes went pretty deep. Lets just say Biff isn't afraid to talk about his feelings!! He asked to meet me by stating that a connection through emails is completely different than a connection in person, which is true. However, he stated it in a negative light that made me feel like meeting me was as important to him as changing his underwear. It also told me that he wasn't allowing himself to get excited...aka Biff is jaded :(

Biff decided to meet at a Starbuck's at 7pm on a Friday night. It sounds strange, but it actually was a perfect place for a nice conversation. As I was walking into the coffee shop, I realized that I was getting the hang of this "first date thing," and it made me smile. It finally hit me that all the nervousness has no purpose. Of course the other person is feeling the exact same way...we are all human. The nerves is what make people not act themselves. If your date doesn't like you for who you are, do you really want to go any further? Anyway...Biff is a very muscular guy, but comes off as a big teddy bear. From the first moment I saw him, I knew he was way more nervous than I could ever be :) I truly believe Biff is an amazing gentleman, but he broke a couple of unspoken rules for a first date. Within the first half hour, he went into depth about how bad he wanted kids. Don't get me wrong, I want babies too, but within the first 30 minutes...really? He stated how his dad is getting older, and he really wants his kids to know their grandfather. I agree, but there as so many things to talk about on a first date. It came off like he was looking for a baby maker!! Then, within the first 45 minutes, Biff asked about ex-boyfriends. I was thinking to myself, "do I really have to answer that." Why not ask about ME? I feel like I want to coach Biff, so he could actually realize what he is doing wrong. I just don't know how that email could be composed...Dear Biff, I would like to offer YOU a free session in the Miss Kiki's How to Date Seminar!...I don't think I would get a reply for some reason ;) Biff is a good guy, but from the very first minute, I knew he wasn't the one for me.

Stay tuned...I'm almost caught up, so I can actually write about what is currently running through my brain!!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CheeseCake Pan Man

So....I am rewinding a bit...back to Bucky.

Remember, we had a great first date at a diner that lasted 6 hours...???.... Well, the next three days we stayed in contact all the time! He was starting all the conversations, but I was reciprocating the level of interest. By day three, we set up a second date for the next night. I was going to his apartment, and we were going to cook. He was making the main course, and I was bringing dessert. Plus, he said I could meet his room mate, and then we could just have a "chill" night. Since the first date went so well, I brought out the big guns and made my famous Red Velvet CheeseCake! (I'm not tooting my own horn, but its pretty amazing!) The night before our cooking gathering I stayed up until 2 am making this delicious cheesecake...the whole time talking to Bucky via text. Within these text, he stated that he had seen my reel..which meant he had looked me up on youtube...aka he cyber stalked me, but we all do it to an extent. He also said he researched and found that one can purchase a couples' sleeping bag...just in case he were to take me on a camping trip. Neither of these two comments scared me, but told me he was actually interested. Or at least he wanted to get to know me more.

Anyway, after work I got ready and headed over to his apartment. When I got there, he helped me find parking, and his room mate came down to get me. While we were waiting for dinner to get done, Bucky gave me a tour of the apartment. It was a complete bachelor pad, but it was very clean! Bucky is a hiker/mountain climber, and he had to show me his new equipment. At the time, i found it cute, but now I feel like it could be a boarder line obsession. For dinner, Bucky had made homemade mac and chez...wonderful since I eat like a six year old!! The three of us sat down to eat, and had great conversation. This was followed by the amazing cheesecake! After dinner, we sat down to watch Golden Girls. This is my test...I love Golden Girls, so if a man will watch it with me and appreciate the humor, he is a keeper! Both Bucky and his room mate were busting up!! Then, the Golden Girls turned into Sports Center...then ABDC...then Paranormal Activity. Before we knew it, it was 4am. The TV was still on and Bucky and I fell asleep on the couch cuddled up together. At 8am, I woke up to check the time, and Bucky had us move into his bedroom. He was a complete gentleman...we slept in each others arms, but no funny business. While in his room, I noticed a few things...besides the room being extremely clean, his closet was arranged by color. I'm still not sure what to make of that...haha! When I was getting ready to leave, I told him to keep the rest of the cheesecake, and he said he would wash the pan for me. He walked me to my car, and gave me a kiss goodbye. (Our first kiss) All and all, I left with a great feeling about our second date!

The problem is...I broke the #1 rule..."NEVER leave your shit at his place!" Stay tuned to hear if Bucky turns into CheeseCake Pan Man....;)


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Heres the truth!!

I'm just going to tell you all everything that is going on in my brain right now!! So I started the blog about 2 weeks ago after I went on my third date (with a "match" man). I knew I needed this to cope with all my emotions/rejection that was surely to come. To tell the truth, I am completely scared to get caught up in my blogs! Once I have told all my stories, I have to go on more dates!!! I know that's the whole point of match, but I have many issues with this at the current moment. For starters, I know I am picky!!!!!! I log onto match, and no one really is standing out. Then, I think to myself..."it doesn't matter; it will at least be a story." Deep down, that isn't me though! I don't want to go on a date with just any random guy just for a story. There has to be something there....something that I am drawn to...right?! Then there's the feeling of starting over. Every time I read a new profile, I feel like there are miles and miles of BS to swim thru. I mean I read my own, and I know there is so much more to me. It has to be the same for everyone! However, you are trying to look your very best for the people who are reading of course you are only going to hit the high points. I know it isn't suppose to be easy, but I feel like I am sinking in a pool of shit!

I am also aware that I'm not the kind of girl that jumps from guy to guy. I know its only a date, but in a way I feel like I'm cheating on all these men. Think about it...lets say I go on a date with guy #1 on Friday night, and it goes great! We plan to have a second date, and we say good night. However, I already set up a date with guy #2 on Saturday night. I'm already going into my Saturday night date with the feeling of cheating. I know it's just how I'm wired, but it gets to me. I keep reminding myself that this is who I am, and I don't want to be any other way! I am a faithful/loyal person....and that is who I want to be!!! Maybe I just have to focus on one guy at a time in order to stay sane...haha!

Then, of course once I sign up on match, I meet a wonderful man through friends. The couple that basically introduced us, I completely trust! They know the REAL me,and they have been there for me throughout this roller coaster ride that I call my life. They never told me anything about this wonderful gentleman that I am going to refer to as Mr. Ten. However, they informed him in a way that let him decide if he actually wanted to talk to me. Since I have realized that the only way I'm going to meet men in this city is through the internet, Mr. Ten found me on facebook ;) After messaging for a week, the couple planned a group gathering where we actually met! At first, Mr. Ten wasn't sure if he could make this gathering, but he was going to try. I have a confession to make....ever since I was in junior high, I have had this ability to sense when the man I am interested in, enters a room. It could be a room with 5 people in or 500, but I can just feel his presence. This only works for men that I really like, which is why it freaked me out. I saw Mr. Ten when he was clear across the room (which was packed). No one in our group knew he was there, and he was obviously trying to find us with not much success (haha). I haven't experienced that for over a year, so you can imagine what my insides were going through! Once Mr. Ten made it to the table, I actually felt like we all were in junior high. The couple that thought of this "match" were beaming and winking at me...haha. I have to hand it to Mr. Ten for keeping his cool and just being himself. Even though we didn't stay much longer after Mr. Ten arrived, we did manage to incorporate some good conversation. Don't worry, there will be more blogs about Mr. Ten...I am sure of it!! However, I have to rewind a bit next time...sorry for the confusion. I just needed to clear my head!!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The First Date

I had my first date four days after I signed up. After emailing this gentleman several times, he got enough nerve to ask if I wanted to meet face to face. This first date gentleman is going to be named "Bucky." Bucky started to ramble when he asked me out, which made him seem even cuter to me. He made sure that I could pick the meeting place, and that it could be well lit! Bucky told me that his sister did match for awhile, so he knew that it could be scary for females. I chose to meet at a diner at 9:30pm. I felt comfortable in this diner, but I wasn't a regular by any means.

Of course I arrive first, but Bucky text to tell me he was on his way and that he was nervous...haha! Then, the best thing happened!! A man walked into the diner looking for someone. He was about the right height, and he had a hat on, so I couldn't see his hair. When he saw me, he smiled and walked over. At this point, I'm just assuming it's Bucky. We hugged, said our hellos and sat down. Then, he said "I'm Alex." HAHA....I was like...I'm waiting for a Bucky! We both started busting up laughing. However, it helped me chill out cause i felt like it was my practice round:)

When Bucky actually walked in the door, I liked what I saw! He just looked the part...I've always had a picture in my head of the type of guy I will end up with, and he was a dead ringer! We hugged and sat down. Conversation NEVER stopped!!!! I couldn't have asked for a better first date!! We had sooo much in common! We both grew up in the Midwest and have very similar families. We just understood where the other was coming a way, it was weird how much we clicked. At one point in the conversation, he finished my thought with a phrase that I use! He called this project I've been working on "my baby." I just stopped talking and looked at him in amazement. Well...six hours later, the staff of the diner ended up kicking us out! Bucky walked me to my car, asked if he could see me again (which I said "of course"), hugged me, and said "good night." The whole drive home I was beaming!!! All I could think was how cool would it be if I found him on my first date?!?!? Before I even got to my door, he text me to make sure I got home ok!! We exchanged a few messages about how much fun we had and said good night again.

Is Bucky "the one"...stay tuned to find out!!
