Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Keep Trying

Oh Bucky...there are so many things I could say. Where to start....??? After our amazing cheese cake date, he stayed in contact for about two days. Then, the famous "peace out" that I am use to started to take affect. The girl in me thought that maybe since he was initiating all the conversation he needed to be reassured that I was actually interested.'s some advise...if you like each other, it doesn't matter who is calling who!!! If he isn't calling, there is a reason!! For about the next week, I was running everything that happened between us over and over in my head (another girl thing to do). This is what I came up with: people join Match for one of two reasons. They either want to hook up or find a relationship. There is nothing in between!!! Bucky would have at least tried to "hook up" if that was what he was looking for. I'm not saying that I wanted him to, but I was in his bed for heaven sake! Then, there's the fact that he hangs up his blue jeans, and his closet is arranged by color....the way he walks...his new room mate is homosexual...I think he is GAY! Which is wonderful, I just want him to stop trying not to be! I know where he grew up, and the Midwest isn't as open minded as LA has become. I just really feel sorry for people who feel like they can't be who they really want to be! To me, that means that they can never be fully content with their life!!

"Just keep trying".....that what I told myself! I mean that's why I went on date!! The second guy that stood out in the first week of emails was still emailing me, so I decided to go for it. There is no harm in meeting people. This man, who I will be referring to as Biff, seemed to be very careful in his approach. I learned that he had been on and off Match for about five years, and he had many stories to prove it. His emails were always very well written, but sometimes went pretty deep. Lets just say Biff isn't afraid to talk about his feelings!! He asked to meet me by stating that a connection through emails is completely different than a connection in person, which is true. However, he stated it in a negative light that made me feel like meeting me was as important to him as changing his underwear. It also told me that he wasn't allowing himself to get excited...aka Biff is jaded :(

Biff decided to meet at a Starbuck's at 7pm on a Friday night. It sounds strange, but it actually was a perfect place for a nice conversation. As I was walking into the coffee shop, I realized that I was getting the hang of this "first date thing," and it made me smile. It finally hit me that all the nervousness has no purpose. Of course the other person is feeling the exact same way...we are all human. The nerves is what make people not act themselves. If your date doesn't like you for who you are, do you really want to go any further? Anyway...Biff is a very muscular guy, but comes off as a big teddy bear. From the first moment I saw him, I knew he was way more nervous than I could ever be :) I truly believe Biff is an amazing gentleman, but he broke a couple of unspoken rules for a first date. Within the first half hour, he went into depth about how bad he wanted kids. Don't get me wrong, I want babies too, but within the first 30 minutes...really? He stated how his dad is getting older, and he really wants his kids to know their grandfather. I agree, but there as so many things to talk about on a first date. It came off like he was looking for a baby maker!! Then, within the first 45 minutes, Biff asked about ex-boyfriends. I was thinking to myself, "do I really have to answer that." Why not ask about ME? I feel like I want to coach Biff, so he could actually realize what he is doing wrong. I just don't know how that email could be composed...Dear Biff, I would like to offer YOU a free session in the Miss Kiki's How to Date Seminar!...I don't think I would get a reply for some reason ;) Biff is a good guy, but from the very first minute, I knew he wasn't the one for me.

Stay tuned...I'm almost caught up, so I can actually write about what is currently running through my brain!!


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