Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CheeseCake Pan Man

So....I am rewinding a bit...back to Bucky.

Remember, we had a great first date at a diner that lasted 6 hours...???.... Well, the next three days we stayed in contact all the time! He was starting all the conversations, but I was reciprocating the level of interest. By day three, we set up a second date for the next night. I was going to his apartment, and we were going to cook. He was making the main course, and I was bringing dessert. Plus, he said I could meet his room mate, and then we could just have a "chill" night. Since the first date went so well, I brought out the big guns and made my famous Red Velvet CheeseCake! (I'm not tooting my own horn, but its pretty amazing!) The night before our cooking gathering I stayed up until 2 am making this delicious cheesecake...the whole time talking to Bucky via text. Within these text, he stated that he had seen my reel..which meant he had looked me up on youtube...aka he cyber stalked me, but we all do it to an extent. He also said he researched and found that one can purchase a couples' sleeping bag...just in case he were to take me on a camping trip. Neither of these two comments scared me, but told me he was actually interested. Or at least he wanted to get to know me more.

Anyway, after work I got ready and headed over to his apartment. When I got there, he helped me find parking, and his room mate came down to get me. While we were waiting for dinner to get done, Bucky gave me a tour of the apartment. It was a complete bachelor pad, but it was very clean! Bucky is a hiker/mountain climber, and he had to show me his new equipment. At the time, i found it cute, but now I feel like it could be a boarder line obsession. For dinner, Bucky had made homemade mac and chez...wonderful since I eat like a six year old!! The three of us sat down to eat, and had great conversation. This was followed by the amazing cheesecake! After dinner, we sat down to watch Golden Girls. This is my test...I love Golden Girls, so if a man will watch it with me and appreciate the humor, he is a keeper! Both Bucky and his room mate were busting up!! Then, the Golden Girls turned into Sports Center...then ABDC...then Paranormal Activity. Before we knew it, it was 4am. The TV was still on and Bucky and I fell asleep on the couch cuddled up together. At 8am, I woke up to check the time, and Bucky had us move into his bedroom. He was a complete gentleman...we slept in each others arms, but no funny business. While in his room, I noticed a few things...besides the room being extremely clean, his closet was arranged by color. I'm still not sure what to make of that...haha! When I was getting ready to leave, I told him to keep the rest of the cheesecake, and he said he would wash the pan for me. He walked me to my car, and gave me a kiss goodbye. (Our first kiss) All and all, I left with a great feeling about our second date!

The problem is...I broke the #1 rule..."NEVER leave your shit at his place!" Stay tuned to hear if Bucky turns into CheeseCake Pan Man....;)


1 comment:

  1. bucky, really? :) it's funny reading that word out loud. did you ever get your cheesecake pan back? i promise to be grateful if you make ME cheesecake!! :)
