Friday, November 23, 2012

Too Late

There have been two guys in my life that have just missed the boat when it comes to me. The first one was in high school. We were friends first, and the moment I started to look at him in a different light, I introduced him to my two best friends. Of course my friends played him down, but then both dated him within the next year. Instead of looking at any of them in a negative light, I thought that I wasn’t special enough in his eyes to stand out from other girls. It just wasn’t right. I few years later after he had dated almost every one of my friends, my mom said something that wasn’t occurring to me. She said that he was just trying to get closer to me. Sure enough soon after he confessed his interest in me. I love this man from the bottom of my heart, but by the time he told me, I wasn’t there anymore. I have to admit that I would have way back in high school. He just missed the Kiki boat. Well, it has happened again. Lets call this guy Mike. I met Mike 4 years ago, and I was in no spot of even thinking about any male in a romantic sense, but we became friends. There was a moment about 3 years ago where I thought maybe we could be more, and I was trying to keep an open mind about it! Mike is a good man that would do anything for me. However, the moment I started looking at him differently, he hooked up with my friend. My brain went right to “I’m just not stand out enough for him.” I moved on, and I can’t look at him in a boyfriend way. Well, now he is single and trying pretty hard. I have to admit I’m getting pretty uncomfortable, and I don’t like it because Mike use to be the guy that I could tell anything to. He was the person that I could chill with and never worry about the funny business. Now, I don’t think I can be in a room alone with him. Why does it have to be this way? Why can’t we all be friends??? Haha Kiki

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I have been avoiding this blog, and I finally asked myself why. Well...I haven't been completely honest with my readers. Months ago I stated that Bruce and I were over. Well, guest what? I'm a dumb girl! I have done so many things that I have advised against. Things that have made me take 10 steps backwards, and I want to come clean!! I believe that Bruce is a wonderful person, which is why I think I have been hanging on to the idea of what he could be. I think we have broken up and gotten back together about 20 times since the last blog I wrote about him:( No more excuses!!! I am ashamed of the way I allowed him to treat me. I would forgive so easy and quickly. Plus when I think about it, I shouldn't have to be forgiving that much (if at all) at the beginning of any relationship. I don't want to accuse him of all these hurtful acts. I know he thinks he has done nothing wrong because he is so focused on figuring himself out. I need someone that is capable of caring about another individual besides himself. Someone that can put me times:) I have heard that when someone is in love with another it has to run its course. One cannot force something to be over before they are ready. I just wasn't ready before, but now I feel like I am. I am grateful to Bruce because I hadn't felt that way about a man in a LONG time and got the same feelings back:) He gave me a taste of what I can have. The problem with Bruce is I would only get a bite very three weeks. I want 3 full meals every day of the week!!! And the blog continues:) xo Kiki

Sunday, October 28, 2012


"Pathetic"...the definition of the word is "arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness." I have been thinking a lot about this word lately. A very special little birdie in my life told me that Ben, my ex boyfriend, said that I was pathetic for writing this blog. I can think of many words to describe this blog, but pathetic is not one of them. I can also think of many things I have done or am doing in my life that is pathetic...but yet again, this blog is not one of them. When I first started to write this, I just needed an outlet to cope with everything, an online journal. Then, it turned into a mission. I wanted to let my readers know that they weren't alone in their hunt for the perfect mate, and to never give up!! I wanted people to know that it is a twisted road, and you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince (or princess). Finally, I decided that I wanted the happy ending before I stopped. My gut tells that the prince I find will read every blog from start to finish, and not only be proud of me, he will love me even more. Yes, he will not flinch at the fact that I wrote about him for the world to see!!! He will be honored to be included in the one place where I bear all my thoughts and emotions. Back to Ben and being pathetic....I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! I know myself, and I would have continued to work to make our relationship succeed. Thank you for walking away! I see now that you gave me the gift of freedom to do whatever I wanted, which includes this blog! I hope one day you can think of me and realize that all I was ever trying to do was help you. I admit that I focused too much on you and us, and not enough on me! This blog represents the new and improved Kiki, and if you think growing and learning from your mistakes is pathetic, maybe you need to shop for a new dictionary:) Thanks little birdie!! xoxo Kiki

Monday, July 23, 2012

My List

For the past three years I have been composing a list of things I want in a man. What better way to abide by them then to publish the list on here?!?!? I feel like the list is pretty complete for me, but I want to state that I may add to this list whenever I see fit:) What I Need/Want In A Man -No smokers -No drugs -No alcoholics/binge drinkers -Supports me in any career path I choose -Wants to get to know my whole family -Values my opinion -Actively helps me overcome my fears/problems -No cheating -Puts me first in the bedroom -Time spent with me is special, not a task -Come home after a night out, and still be sober -Someone who is willing to fight for me!! -Someone who will walk beside me, not in front or behind me -Someone who attempts to get to know my friends -Someone who wants to sleep beside me every night -I want my heart to skip a beat...I want the flutter! -I want someone who believes in marriage -I want father material -If they drink, they must be a good drunk -Conversation must be good and easy/comfortable -Must be just as socially outgoing as me or more -Must be polite -Must have career goals that don't overcome their entire life...BALANCE -Never been married with no kids -Must realize the importance of family -Must not vanish (MIA)...and then return like nothing happened -Must have as big of sex drive as me or more. I want him to not be able to take his hands off me when we get to that point. -My biggest fan...SUPPORT ME! -My best friend -Must be able to support himself financially...make just as much money as I do or more -Must be able to clean up after himself -Be able to make me laugh -Must want to protect me...make me feel safe -Must be open with me about his feelings; LET ME IN!! -I want to be able to cry in front of him; be able to let my wall down and show weakness -Has to love Felix...and Felix love him! -Respect the Golden Girls -Must feel safe in his arms -Must show an interest in my dancing since it is my passion -Must want me to meet and get to know his family -Be a witness to my everyday life! -Must want to come to recital to watch my students -I NEVER want to be the other woman!!!! -Parents must still be married, or must value the commitment of marriage. -Must respect Blossom (thats another story) -Must be able to put my needs before his at times -Must be open to having a family That is the list...I hope someone is helped by my three years of compiling:) xoxo Kiki

I Just Need to Stop

I need to stop giving so much. I have to stop trying so hard. I have to stop making excuses. I have to stop holding onto the positives. I have to stop forgiving so easily. I have no doubt that Bruce cares about me. I also have no doubt that Bruce cannot be the man I want and know he can be. I'm not sure if he is just too selfish or he just doesn't like me enough...the verdict is still out on that one. The idea of being with a man that has his shit together makes me smile. I don't want to be the fixer anymore. I could be putting all that energy towards so many other things in my life (like one of my 4 jobs...haha). After the last blog, I think he has went back and forth at least three times. One day he is all up in my business trying to figure out how we can work this out. Then, the very next day he states "I think I am holding you back." (I am adding stability to my list of must haves in a man;)) For instance, two nights ago, he is figuring out when he can come see me and talk. We were discussing if that night or last would be better schedule wise with both of us. We determined that last night was best, but guess what? No text, no call, no show last night:( I don't deserve that!!! I know I am always the last to see that a man is no good for me (when I like him). I'm a late bloomer; what can I say? Looking at this in a positive light, I feel it was good for me to see a loving side of a man again. It had been awhile. Bruce is a very kind and gentle man, but just doesn't know how to be IN a relationship. Bruce has taught me that race means nothing, and if its right its right. Then theres the topic of babies. I want them, and deep down I knew he didn't. I thought that when time came for that part, he would love me enough to be open minded about it. He got a vasectomy for a reason. He doesn't want to be a dad. I want to be a mother, and be married to someone who is father material. I wish him all the best, but I need more than what he can give me. Bruce...if you ever read this, I love you! Good bye! Kiki

Monday, July 2, 2012

Catching up

I am well aware that I am so far behind on this blog it isn't funny. I have had readers ask me when the next entry is going to be written. To be completely honest, I was worried about what everyone would think about my actions and decisions. Today I realized that I don't give a fuck about what everyone thinks about my personal life....because thats what it is my personal life. Yes, I share it with all my readers, but I do it to empower others and keep myself sane. Last I wrote, Bruce wasn't meeting my standards. Shortly after, he asked me for a second chance. I agreed to sit down and tell him what I wanted in a relationship. I felt like I liked him enough to at least tell him where I was coming from. Then, if he didn't want to or couldn't be with me, I knew I had given it 100%. No regrets:) Making a long story short, Bruce promised to "work on his cookies." And that is exactly what he did for the next 2 weeks!!!! He was doing A+ work and putting in extra credit:) During this time, I was thinking he must really want this relationship to continue. Then, out of nowhere, he went MIA for 4 days. Don't think I'm crazy. Sometimes we only see each other once a week because he lives in Huntington Beach, but this was me asking him questions with no response. I call this disrespectful!! I tried to be understanding by asking him when "this funk" was going to be over. He apologized just to do it again:( Last Thursday, I finally told him that I thought he was an AMAZING man, but I couldn't do this anymore. All he said was "ok." However, I know him and he doesn't believe in trying to be in someones life that doesn't want you there. I knew he wouldn't have much to say:( At this point, I needed a distraction, so I reactivate my account on POF. In no time, I have a date lined up for Friday night. He has his shit together...he is looking for a relationship...good looking....but....the WHOLE time all my brain is saying is "HE IS NOT BRUCE!!!" After the date, I walk in my apartment, sit down, and cry my eyes out. I know this is a normal reaction, but I was surprised how hard I took it. Now, since I'm crazy even before that date, I had one lined up for Sunday. Again, this guys has his shit together...he is a relationship guy...good looking....but...HE IS NOT BRUCE. It got so bad to when he was talking I was imagining how Bruce would handle the same situation. Basically, I was thinking more about Bruce than my actual date:( I got in my car and with tears in my eyes I called my best friend. I told her what had just happened and how I wanted to go talk to Bruce. I wanted to tell him that he is the one for me. Almost everything about him I love!! I love his smile, his hands, his eyes...I love that he doesn't drink and plays rummy. I love how he just gets me, and I never have to be anyone but myself with him. I love how when I'm with him all I am thinking about is him! I love the way he carries himself and how he treats total strangers. I love our talks that last for hours. I love how I know its going to take so much work on both of our ends, but I can't think of a better person I want to work with! I know the whole disappearing for days at a time is not cool, and we have to discuss that issue. All of you probably think I'm nuts trying to make this work, but when we are together I am completely content:) I have to try or I will always regret it!! I will keep you posted...xoxo Kiki

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Couple Cookies Short of a Dozen

I have been putting off writing for awhile because once I do, I know its real. Once I put it out into the universe for all to read, and I have to deal with reality. For the past month, Bruce has been not putting near enough energy into our relationship compared to the first month and a half I knew him. The nice girl in me has been telling myself to give him a break because he is in limbo right now...with career and family, etc. However, this last week I couldn't just sit back anymore:( After he canceled our plans for about the 3rd week in a row because he re-sprained his ankle, I called him out (in a funny way) that yet again he couldn't come see me. He proceeded to get an attitude even after I was changing my plans to come see him with remedies and told me he didn't want me to come. Me being me, I drove all the way out there to leave ice, wraps, etc in front of his door. I walked back to my car and text him to open his door as I was driving away. All I got was a "Thank you. I got it." Followed by 3 days of no communication. The next time he text Bruce apologized by saying "sorry for being silly." Now, I call it something else, but I forgave him anyway. However, the next week when he stopped talking to me again for no reason made me open my eyes. I asked Bruce if I could tell him my cookie theory when he got a free moment. (PS the cookie theory came from an amazing woman that I know, so I can't take credit for it) He was nice enough to stop what he had been doing for 3 whole days to listen;) I proceeded to explain that every relationship takes 20 cookies to succeed. Each person should bring 10 cookies to the table. However, if a man only brings 8 cookies, the woman always brings extra so there is always 20 cookies. I told Bruce that I REALLY wanted him to have 10 cookies, but I was running out of batter from making all those extra cookies:( Bruce responded saying that he didn't know if he was ready to have 10 cookies, and that maybe I should start looking for someone who already had 10 cookies. He didn't want me to waste my time on him when I could be looking for someone with all ten cookies. I AM TIRED OF FIGHTING FOR THE MAN. I shouldn't have to try and make him see how much I love him or how great I am. He should see it for himself and NEVER want to let me go!!! I don't want someone who can just watch me walk out of his life without a fight. There are so many things I will miss about Bruce, but in moments like these, I tend to cling to all of his negative traits just to get through. I will save gas money and travel time. I might actually get to have my own baby:) Even though I have been trying to remind myself that he just can't give me what I want and deserve, I keep going back to that first month with him. I remember one day he asked me if I was always going to be this nice. I guess I should have been asking him that question instead. Everything happens for a reason. My mom told me once that I shouldn't cry over things like this because I am a good person, and I will fine a good person:) Easier said than done, but I know I will get through this. I've done it before! And the blog keeps going.... xoxo Kiki

Monday, April 23, 2012

Figuring Him Out

In the big picture, I have only known Bruce for three and a half months. I really don't know that much about him. How could I? Its the same if you flip it; he doesn't know that much about me either. I'm learning that he processes information completely different from me. For example, when I went through my quarter life crisis and decided to intern as a wedding planner, I was proactive and involved many people in my life. I talked it out, and I JUMPED right into it. Bruce is going through the same type of life hurdle. However, he is "thinking" a lot and likes to be alone. He isn't use to people wanting to help him and be involved. There has been multiple occasions where he has asked me why I care so much. Thats the thing...if you are in a relationship, your partner should automatically care about your every day life!! They shouldn't have to be asked to actively participate in your life; they should just be there. This is what scares me:( I really don't know if he is in this with the same intentions. Women look at relationships in terms of the future. For example, if I am on a first date with a man that I know I couldn't take home to my parents, there will not be a second date. There is no need to waste anymore time on something that is never doing to get me where I want to me. I hate being stereotypical, but men think more in the short can I get her into bed.

I know a lot of this is past experience on my end. What other men have done to me. On the up side, I am figuring out so many qualities that Bruce has. He knows how to treat me like a lady. He is the definition of a gentleman. Because of him, I am now noticing how men in my every day life are just down right rude to females. There is something about him that whenever I'm beside him, I am calm and at peace. I could talk to him for hours about anything! I feel safe in his arms, which it has been awhile that I have been able to let my guard down the way I do with him. I fell asleep beside him on our very first date, and now he makes fun of me because I sleep sooo sound at his place.

Basically, I really like him, and I don't want to be too much. However, I want him to open up more to me. I know I just need to chill out because everything takes time. We are moving along at a perfect pace, but I just can't get enough of him. Maybe that is the bigger problem...I just want more!


Monday, March 19, 2012

I Called Him Out

Before I started writing this blog, I hardly ever told a man that I was dating exactly how I felt. I was a pleaser, and I made it seem like everything was always fine on my end. It seems so wrong on so many levels. However, I know that many women do this:( This blog has helped me find my voice. Don't get me wrong, its still hard for me, but I'm not afraid of rocking the boat anymore.

Ever since Bruce brought up the kid conversation, he took a step back. I thought we were getting back on track when he picked a mini disagreement with me. So, I called him out! I told him that I thought he was afraid, and I knew the exact moment it happened. Of course Bruce was intrigued, and wanted to more about my "theory." I told him that ever since the kid conversation things changed, and I asked him if he could deny it. He said he couldn't but it wasn't because of my answers. To make a long story short, Bruce announced to me that he can't have kids. After explaining that I wasn't falling in love with his sperm count, Bruce agreed to stop pushing me away. He was so surprised that I wasn't walking away; I guess most women do once they find out. I look at it this way; I have dated almost every kind of douche bag in the last 3 years, and I'd much rather have no kids with an amazing man than multiple kids with a really bad man.

Things went back to normal for a few days, but now I feel like I'm back to the wondering game. I'm wondering what he is thinking, wondering what he is doing, wondering if he is thinking about me, wondering how I came off. I HATE is too short to wonder!!!! I would rather be single then hold back and wonder!!

Maybe its me and my baggage, but I just feel like he is on the verge of peacing out. The last few days I have found myself thinking about how I would feel if I never saw him again. I prep myself so the actual blow doesn't hurt so bad. I don't want this to happen, but my wall is trained to go up whenever I sense danger I guess. There are so many things I would miss about him. The long talks we have, the gentleman that he is, the way he holds and kisses me, the way I feel whenever I get a text from him, playing rummy, his smell, his cleanliness, his calmness are all fine qualities of this man! However, I truly believe that no man should make or break a woman! He should only make her stronger than what she already is!

I will keep you all posted...don't you worry!

Night! xoxo

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Roller Coaster

The past two weeks with Bruce has been an emotional roller coaster ride. This is the best way I can explain it. I know a lot of these emotions are from past experiences, and I have to teach myself to work through them before I act on any of them. Before I tell you the high lighted events, I want to point out that I have my own faults, and I know I could have been in the wrong. about two weeks ago is when I felt a shift in our relationship. One night we were falling asleep, and nothing was said for at least 5 minutes when Bruce asked (out of the blue) if I wanted kids. I told him that eventually I did, but I wanted to do it in the right order...marriage and then kids. I followed by asking him for his take on the question. This was followed by a long period of silence. I actually thought that he didn't hear me. Then, he said that he only had considered having kids with one other woman in the past. He was really thinking hard about this! Then, it went to how would I feel if the man I was with couldn't have kids. I said I would be disappointed, but there were other options nowadays. Bruce quickly stated that my tone of voice showed how bad I wanted kids, and he is right. However, I feel that finding a man like him is hard to do...and I could work around the kid thing if I had to. He never did give me a straight answer, and I didn't push it because I think I was afraid of the answer:( He did end it on a light note with the comment of "don't worry, I'm not asking you to have my babies right now." Many people have told me that men in their 30s tend to start thinking about this more. I have never brought up anything in regards to marriage or babies. During this conversation, it didn't feel out of place because Bruce and I have always been very open with each other. However, after this is when I felt the shift:( He pulled back a little....not a lot, but enough that I noticed.

Then, here is where I went wrong. My girlfriend has been wanting to meet him since the moment I told her about him. She just keeps asking, so Bruce had already agreed to meet my boss after I was done teaching one day, so I thought that since he was in the area that we could meet up with my girlfriend for dinner. Nothing fancy...very casual. I text him saying we were going to have dinner with her after he met my boss. Now, remember Bruce knows that my friends want to meet him that is not a surprise. He agrees but was short in his answers. It comes to the day we are suppose to meet, and he backs out because his friend was in a car accident. I'm bummed out, but I was understanding. A few days later, I have a show that he has known about for a month that he can't get off work for it even though he told me it wouldn't be a problem. I am VERY sensitive about my shows, so by now I am pretty annoyed and disappointed. In this annoyed state of being, I told Bruce that he needed to figure out a day when he could meet these people because now they are asking for him. I didn't think twice about the way I wrote it, but he responded that he didn't like it when I told him what he "needed" to do. By this time, I told him that I wanted to talk because I think we were misunderstanding each other!! I admit that I should have asked him to go to dinner with my friends instead of telling him which was one of his points. Deep down, I feel like he is looking for things to push me away with. I think he is freaked out ever since the baby conversation.

The last time we saw each other was awkward like we were both walking on egg shells. He wouldn't kiss me on the lips. He isn't texting like he use to. I feel him starting to "peace out" but I don't know what to do about it:( I keep telling myself that the right guy will never want to peace out. He will never want to push me away. He will want to meet the people that are important to me. He will tell me exactly the way he is feeling.

I don't want you all to think less of him! Bruce is an amazing man, but I feel like he doesn't know what to do about me. All I know is that I have never felt this way about an other man before. Everything just fell into place and flowed so easy. I was ready to tell my parents about him, which is a HUGE step in this case!! I guess I can hold off for that big step for awhile:(

If anyone has any advice, I'm listening!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Best Valentine's Day Ever!

I can honestly say that I really have never thought much about Valentine's Day....good or bad. I remember that both years with Ben ended up with me giving a gift, and Ben forgetting:( He always said he would make up for it, but nothing ever came of that either. Yeah, I had a boyfriend, but the first Valentine's Day I spent after Ben, was WAY better than both with him!! A bunch of us girls went to "He's Just Not That Into You" in the theater with Cheesecake. No one let me down!!!

With Bruce, I didn't want any material thing. I just knew I wanted to be by him. I just can't get enough of him!!! We started the day with me watching him play basketball (which he is amazing at). Then, I had to work, but we decided to cook and watch a movie. He showed up at my door with a single red rose with a note attached to it:) The moment I say the note a wall went up. I tried to not show how it affected me because I was trying to figure it out in my head first. My brain was going a mile a minute trying to realize why I was reacting like this. Then, it hit me! Ben broke up with me two times via letter. He use to write all the things he hated about me, and what he wanted me to work on...blah blah blah. Once I took a moment to remember that Bruce is NO WHERE near the person Ben was, I opened the note. It was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to give you all the juicy details, but I will tell you that I will keep this "love letter" FOREVER!!!

We cooked salmon, and had a wonderful meal! Then, we finished the night watching Cars 2; a man after my own heart! Finally, I fell asleep in his arms, which is the best place in the world. That was a little cheesy, but oh so true!

Stay tunes!

Monday, February 6, 2012

One month of Perfection

As many of you know, I am way behind on my entries. I have to apologize, but I have been a little busy to say the least:) Its been a month today since I met Bruce, and people say I "beam" when I mention his name. I have realized that I have NEVER been treated correctly by a man. One may ask what "correctly" means? Bruce treats me like a human being and is actively involved in my every day life. Crazy...but I had forgotten what being in a relationship actually felt like. I am not afraid to text too much or call at all or see him for the 2nd time in one week. You know why...he wants to be with me just as much as I want to be with him. Its equal effort on both sides...give and take!! Yesterday, I asked him if he had ever felt this way before. I wasn't even looking for the answer that made me feel special. I was just curious because I honestly can say I am in foreign territory. I'm not saying that finding the right person can't happen twice in a life time, but I know its difficult just to find them once!!! Bruce responded with a "no," and he flipped the question back to me. I obviously said no and continued to explain that I have heard people say that it should be easy. I finally know what they have been talking about!!! We just work. The one think that is standing out the most to me is that I am not afraid to say anything to him!!! I even told him about this blog, which has been a subject that I would have never brought up with any of the past men. I just knew they couldn't handle it. Bruce didn't even blink. He stated that the only reason anyone would have a problem with it is if they knew their actions were questionable. He also agreed that I should publish it. I have tears of joy welling up in my eyes right now because I see what an amazing partner he is and could be! I have also heard that the person you are with should make you a better person. He makes me feel like there is nothing I can't overcome.

I get excited just knowing that I get to see him soon:) Wow...that is all I can say!!


Monday, January 30, 2012

24 Hour First Date

Have you ever had a 24 hour first date that you spent about 20 of them talking?? This was the first thing of many that Bruce and I found to be abnormal. Not once in those 24 hours did I ever look at my watch. It just flowed...easy!

OK...back to the initial meeting. We met at a Coffee Bean since I am a Coffee Bean Slut:) I got there first, but as I was texting him, he texted that he was there. I was very nervous to lay eyes on him. His pictures were amazing. His emails were amazing. His phone conversation was amazing. I REALLY wanted him to match all of this in person, but statistically, the odds were against me. I don't think I mentioned that Bruce is black. I have had many dates with man from other races; this is not a problem with me!! However, I can't deny that my family would have to get use to this characteristic in my man if I ever got serious about one. I have no doubt that they would accept him if he was the right guy, but they might have to process it for a minute...if you know what I mean...any Midwest readers out there? I remember the feeling I got when I saw Bruce. I liked what I saw ALOT, but more importantly, I got this feeling of peace. From the very first moment, he made me feel at home with being beside him.

Bruce told me to "not even think about it" when I tried to get my wallet out to pay. This sounds so trivial, but all I want is someone to pay for the first meeting. After that, I'm completely fine with splitting it, but I still believe that the guy should handle the first date. Conversation was wonderful! He did ask plenty of questions, and I was worried that I wasn't asking enough. However, I really don't know how I could have gotten in any more if I tried:) I've noticed on many first dates that as I'm answering or asking questions, I'm wondering in my head how the guy is perceiving me. This time I was hoping he was liking what he was hearing. A thought I have never had before!

After about an hour, Bruce asked if I was hungry. With a smile on my face because I didn't want the date to end either, I said yes. Then, he said the most amazing thing..."how about In N Out." A man after my own heart!!! Honestly, I still didn't know if he was interested or if he was just hungry. It wasn't until he hip checked me at the register while we were ordering that I realized that he was flirting:) Bruce worked for his apartment complex, and he had to work later that evening, so he invited me back for a game of rummy. Rummy is the reason I responded to his email in the first place. Of course the situation I had with the guy that only had two mattresses ran through my mind. My gut told me that there was nothing to be afraid, I had already told Bruce that story in our phone conversation. I agreed, and we started walking back to our cars. This is when I noticed that he was a gentleman! He HAD to walk on the outside and open my car door for me (the first time of many).

The rest of the night was amazing! We played rummy, which I kicked his butt at!! I walked with him on his rounds. We ordered pizza. This whole time conversation was never at a stand still, and I never held back. I always said exactly what was on my mind and didn't think twice while doing it. Before I knew it, it was 4am, and my eyes were getting heavy. This is when Bruce did a very gutsy thing...he pulled his mattress out in the living room. He knew the mattress story, and he still brought it out. Plus, at this point, we hadn't touched. Even after that, I never felt like Bruce was going to try anything, and I was correct. He was a complete gentleman!! We ended up talking even more before we got a few hours sleep. When we woke up, he took me to breakfast. Throughout the meal, there were many comments made about the length of our "abnormal" first date:)

It was perfect! I wouldn't have changed anything about our first meeting! It was one of those times that you just can't stop thinking about the other person!! Its that feeling that we all wish for!!

Stay tuned!!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Buying a New Car

About six months ago, I started my search for a new car. My first car was the first thing I ever bought with my own hard earned money, and she held a very special place in my heart. She wasn't the most fashionable vehicle, but she made me feel safe. Being a 1997 Chevy Lumina, she was referred to as a "grandma car" very often. As I started looking and researching, I realized that brand names or colors didn't matter to me. Of course money was a concern, but I know I would have figured out a payment plan on any kind of car. What I discovered was that I wanted my new vehicle to be unique!!! It had to stand apart from the average piece of metal on four wheels. I'm not talking about being the prettiest or coolest, but just having that little something that makes people want to know more. I came to the conclusion that this is what I want in my man!!!!!!!! I want them to be uniquely special in some way....any way!!!!

As I look back on the men that have made it past the first date, the only thing that stands out in my mind was the way they peaced out:) So...I decided to keep an open mind. I reactivated my profile on Plenty of Fish, and just started talking! I didn't look at distance, height, race, occupation, etc. Physical attraction still has to be there, so I looked at pictures and read profiles. One man started to jump off the screen. Bruce emailed me first with a subject line of "pick me." I went to his profile before reading his message. I remembered seeing Bruce's profile months before but never contacting him. He was VERY attractive...maybe to the point of being too good looking. Most man that look like that act a certain way, and I normally steer clear of them. However, I was keeping an open mind! There were multiple things in his profile that intrigued me. First, he quoted an animated film that I love, and asked to see if anyone could name it. Then, he stated that he enjoyed play Rummy and Speed. Growing up, I played Rummy every weekend with my grandparents! Finally, it stated that he didn't drink. I'm not going to lie; it would be wonderful if the man I was with knew how to function without alcohol! I messaged him back, and we started conversing. Soon after, we exchanged phone numbers. Of course texting came first and then a phone call. Through this week of initial conversation, I realized that he had dealt with alot of the same things regarding online dating. He asked several questions that hardly ever pop into my head. For example, are you married? My first response is "OF COURSE NOT." Then, I thought about it, and many people do online dating behind their spouse's back. Crazy, but true; I still can't wrap my brain around that idea!! Then there is the "you don't have kids?" for the third time. Bruce had to tell me a story about this lady that stated online that she had no kids, but then when he asked her in person, she said yes, a fifteen year old. Some girls might think Bruce was asking too many questions all at once. However, I took it as he had been burned before, and he didn't want to waste his time on people that didn't care to tell the truth about who they were! Plus, he didn't do it in an offensive way.

To say the very least, I wanted to learn more about this man! We did have some distance between us, but we planned on meeting in the middle. I have to admit that I can't even remember how many men are great on the phone and on screen, but don't even come close in person. Bruce was amazing on the screen and on the phone, so I was nervous as I was driving to meet him. I was prepping myself for the worst, so anything would feel like a success:)

Since this is the worst possible time to stop writing that is exactly what I am going to do;) Stay tuned to see if Bruce was just as great in person or not????


PS I bought a Nissan Cube!!