Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jet Lagged Relationship

Back to "No Name Man"... Things were going well. We both are busy, but we were still communicating. I'm use to men peacing out by this point, so I was stoked about that in itself! Then, he went over seas on business for a week, which he told me about. When he got back, the vibe changed. The jet lag must have gotten to him:( Communication wasn't consistent, and dates were nonexistent. I understand that we both lead very busy lives, but I know that when I like someone I will make time for them no matter what. Side note: I know why I have 4 jobs! I have all of them because I don't want to have down time to think about the one area where I lack. I also have to admit that I played the girl card and was holding back to see if he was going to put any effort in at all. The two times we hung out after he got back from over seas put me as booty call status. That is how it made me feel at least. I've been there and done that. I never need to do that again. I know how it makes me feel, and usually, I end up holding a bucket of tears. I am 100% female, and I view sex as more than just a physical act. I'm giving that person a part of me that very few people have gotten....something that is extremely special! This is why I had the two month rule for so long, and I think I need to reinstall it!!!! After about two weeks of feeling this way, I took a step back. The famous Kiki wall went up. The one that goes up because I don't want to ever need anyone. I am an independent woman! To be honest, ever since Ben, I am scared to completely let someone into my life, which is probably why I keep gravitating to men that don't live up to my standards in one way or another. To be honest, at this point I hadn't told him how I felt. However, the vibe I was getting was that he wanted to keep it casual which doesn't include talk about feeling:( And I thought traveling would be fun:( Kiki

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