Monday, March 11, 2013

The Threat

I had almost forgotten about the threat. One of my coworkers that I have known for three years tends to be very protective of her friends. I had told her very little about my new interest. All she knew about him was where I met him, that we had been on a few dates, things were going well, and that I had to keep telling myself that it was ok to like him. I revealed no details. In the past, I feel like once I start talking about a guy is about when he disappears:( Well, the next Monday night at work, my coworker showed up. Long story short, she approaches my new interest and basically tells him that if he hurts me that she will hurt him. I didn't know this happened until hours after she did it. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die! After the initial shock of what she did wore off, I realized that it shouldn't matter what anyone says if he truly likes me. Well, after two days of hearing nothing from him, I picked up my phone and text him an apology for whatever she said. All he responded was that she was funny. He had never even thought twice about her and her threat! Just another example of how I over analyze everything when it comes to the opposite sex. You gotta love being a girl! Kiki

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